I was wondering the same thing. Mine are all MIA as well.

Any thoughts/insight on the singer project? Why three different inputs?

They come in spurts. Sometimes it's once every 2-3 weeks and others it's one a week.

Evanston, Carrington, Livingston, parts of Sage - all dead zones. Why are we paying through the nose for something we don't even receive?

"Bonus points"

"...and go!"

"Ride or die"

⚫ animal project? I felt like the pay should've been $19 for how simple it was? But I agree... The one response seemed like it was written by a non-native English speaker.

I only got one task done before it was gone. It felt like a test...

If you're still in the slack, I think you're okay! Sometimes they distribute the tasks out amongst the workers so they all get a shot to work on them (at least that's what I've been told on other slacks).

Don't know why the people are down voting. πŸ™„

Good luck! It's easy once you get the hang of it!

No πŸ˜” I saw it right before I was headed to bed.

Did you finish it?

I completed it back in Feb. I didn't see any work come of it until this past month (so I'm not sure if there's a correlation or not).

Salad: Buy a pack of arugula, some cherry tomatoes and pearl/baby bocconcini, toss in with their pesto. You can add roasted pine nuts (if you're wealthy), then drizzle with a balsamic glaze.

Appi: Costco queso dip in a baking dish, topped with some grated Kirkland medium cheese, baked at 350 until bubbly (about 20), then serve with the Kirkland corn chips.

She looks like she just got home from work and is about to rush to a student council meeting at her kid's school... In 1990.

But maybe I Donne know what I'm talking about. She is a CEO after all.

Self invest. As someone said above, max out your TFSA, invest in an ETF and let it grow. Here is a link that might provide more insight. Vanguard is an excellent option if you're not looking to take any risks.

Definitely bring him in. My cat was an outside cat (living on the streets for a year - super shy, I think she was feral but the rescue that took her in "domesticated" her). It took her a bit to get used to the indoor life, but now things are great. We've got a harness for her so she still goes outside when we do.

This kitty clearly trusts you. It'll take some adjusting, but he'll be so much safer indoors.

Legit just said this to my husband verbatim last night, as I was eating cold salt and pepper squid out of the container. 🀀

Your inability to answer a simple question leads me to believe you'd make an excellent politician.