Imaging you are a moving train. A man on the train doesnt appear to be moving, because they arent moving relative to the train. Now imagine you are somebody outside. The same man would now appear to be moving, because the position relative to you and the man are changing.

Only relative to Earth. It would be just as easy to walk in one direction as the opposite, because you move at the same speed as the train ± the speed and direction you walk in

The distance is small and negligable. Helicopters do drift due to a higher distance the helicopter has to travel compared to Earth (2pi feet more per foot), therefore proving a round Earth

If you immortal and somehow manage to die you kinda pathetic

Because the immortal all powerful being somehow died

Lmao imagine your dad creating you just so you could die, then ressurecting you 3 days after you death just to abandon you

Ohh I mostly play vondel and dragons breath absolutely mows them down.

Idk works fine for me

Ive also seen the curve. Care to explain our disagreement?

Meaning your argument about the Earth not havong a curve because you cant see it false

You dont need to see something for it to be true. Senses have flaws

Why am I downvoted? Im using his logic on something else to show the flaws in his argument?

Was trying to engage a guy while getting shot by bots, 1 and 3 watching/sniping above. Perfectly fine.

Die trying to turn a corner. 1 and 3 contemplating action. All good.

3 decides to try and engage too, but 1 chickens out and goes to exfil (he was scared)

3 revives me without being noticed before engaging squad. Turns out they only had single or double plate vests.

Number 1 could have easily helped number 3 but chose not too and took extra risk just to save his own ass. Theres always gonna be someone doing their own thing.

Damn I didnt realize the sun was the size of my thumb and also my car. Smh my head

Correct. How do we know the sun isnt bigger than Earth?