I'll take a swing at this: It depends on the who, what, when, where, and why of whatever situation a biracial person finds themself in. Applying for college - Black as fuck. Applying for a job - White as fuck. Have an interaction with the police and get let go with a warning - white as fuck. Have an interaction with the police and they start the conversation with "you fit the description" - definitely black. etc, etc

Kokujo Tengen Myoo - just to reach shit on the top shelf at the grocery store

That's definitely fent pressed pills.

Why the one on the left got a bulge?!

If it isn't The Pervy Sage himself I'm leaving the subreddit

Are we really going to overlook the samurai dudes who hosted the Kage Summit? They were chosen for their neutrality

Nah gimme that vacuum version of snuffaluffagus that danzo had.

I mean, Madara literally raised Obito. Zetsu basically baby-sat Sasuke. Either one did a good job keeping their charge alive.

When the bots creator is several steps ahead of the bots users

Beat me to it. Basic AF and new genned to death.

Daki wants that Aizen-dono longneck thunderstick.


Ain't no way 🧐😳πŸ₯Ί

Anywhere. I'm with you OP that half bath is fucking hideous. Start by finding a replacement sink first then stylize the rest of it based on the style of sink.