I’m not upset. I’ll take that performance. Truth is, very few people thought he was gonna do that well. Each takedown he defended he grew stronger and stronger and it’s almost as if he put a chink in the armor with each stand up, jab, and takedown defended. Even though he did get subbed, what he showed was that Islam IS human and isn’t as unbeatable as he sounds… I was extremely impressed with DP. Very sad about potential and likely retirement. 

my collection so far



3 little ones are from southern Utah... Dovetail is from Kentucky and the palmer from ohio. Just getting started! Hope to find some good ones next month in Coastal NC!

Yeah man! And believe it or not, they are actually pretty common especially in North Carolina. If you look at NC collectors arrowhead collections you’ll see Morrow mountains everywhere!! 

Is that a morrow mountain or variant of it?

  1. It looks as real as it gets  
  2. In my opinion, Its not something you should return to the tribe… this point appears to be pretty old ( thousand+ years, so determining the actual tribe it came from would likely be nearly impossible to track down, and although it is a beautiful point, I’m not sure it’s significant enough to where I would say you should bring it to them. A good example of t something I would say you should consider bringing to the tribe is when I went to the Navajo reservation and they had Ancient blankets and instruments and possessions of their leaders on display.  If you do bring it to a tribe, My understanding is that large scale native populations and tribes that were prevalent during the 1600s and such weren’t as big. So although they might value it, it likely predates the points and culture their tribe is known to have used. 

  3. This last part is entirely up to you… on the one hand, if you know your local museum would take it you are allowing others to view a beautiful piece and are giving it to a place that will hopefully take good care of it. However, keeping projectile points  are pretty common ( most of us here have a collection of some sort) and if you didn’t have a local museum I would have strongly recommended keeping it. Either way is perfectly acceptable. 

Especially given that there’s no size reference it’s hard to tell what it is but it is certainly a Native American artifact and it’s either a knife/blade of some type or a projectile spear  point. Some of the other guys on this sub will be able to help you a lot more than I can ( I’m not an expert)

Does anyone know what these are?

I think between you and the guy I got it from ( who has a pretty good reputation) it’s about as sure as we can get… which will never be 100%

Thank you so much for your help my friend. 

That’s an incredible point right there.  Does look a bit different than the one I got. 


Bray responded to my post on r/arrowheads and called it a dovetail

Mainly just care about the age. 6000+ years?

Utah Points

Bottle Cap for reference

Can anyone help me ID what points these are?

Palmer point? from OhioEarly Archaic

1-7/16 in.

was told this was a Palmer... Looking to identify how old this thing is.

Western Kentucky... Chert Dovetail??? Early Archaic

2-3/16 in. Appears to be made of Chert

Can anyone confirm what this is? I was told it was an early archaic Dovetail... cant be positive thats what it is. Worth the $30??

Gotcha thank you!! Safe to say it’s between 3 and 8 thousand years old?

Thanks… looks a lot like the newton falls but it’s from western Kentucky so it doesn’t match the location description. Could be matanzas. Would like to know for sure what it is but I doubt that’s possible. 

What’s crazy is that I’ve seen the prices of these things from 200 dollars to way higher than that ( like thousands) from reputable sellers.

Wow, those are awesome. Thanks for sharing.


so it is a dovetail? Hopefully it wasnt a wasted $30USD!! Early archaic point correct?