1)Call my local news station, let them do a story on it about how I'm going to raise the kid, but I'm poor and don't know what to do.

2)Set up a trust account for the kid

3)wait for it to gain some traction online and then approach a streaming service about doing a reality show based on the incident

4)use the funds I receive to fund a trust for the kid, and hire a super hot nanny

5)start a spin off reality show about the affair I am having g with the nanny after interest fades in the first show

6)launch a line of skin care products and crappy Chinese knock off clothes with a catchy name lime 'stolen'

7)at the height of the popularity of the clothing line sell the right to it to Wal-Mart or if popular enough target

8)blow all my money on plastic surgery for myself and the nanny while trying to gold on to fame

9)get sued by the kid for exploitation and misusing their trust fund

10)languish in obscurity and pop up once in a while in remember when, or where are they now, type pop culture things while trying to make an income doing personal appearances and writing a string of fails books

11) die alone as a joke to everyone.

That's unfortunate.......

Then just sare at them with dead eyes

I was serious. I stole $20 from a friend and felt like shit about it - I still do, and it was close to 30 years ago.

I got got cleaned up a few years later and turned my life around. Those were awful years. I think I'm a much better person now and try to put goodness out into the world, but I was a real mess back then.

Russian doll-topia?

Our world is pretty dystopic in some ways, but they are all self-imposed. Just because we collectively believe something doesn't male it so, but also denying it doesn't make it go away.

Honesty and empathy create the proper environment for people to thrive, but we inhabit a place ruled by cold lies currently. It would be easy to change if people decided to change it.

If everyone collectively decided that today was Thursday and just moved forward from there, it would be.

Idk either - that's the problem with trying to change anything. You have to build in randomness somewhere so it can't be overly exploited by someone by controlling the means of administration of the thing.

The same interest rate for everyone provides no incentive to pay your debts on time

I loaded gear for a hippie jam band in the mid 90's.....you tell me

I look at luck score as severity not good or bad- luck of 0 means no random chance things good or bad happen= your life is boring AF nothing unexpected ever happens. Luck score of 18 everything happens.

You win the lottery and on your way to pick up the check your car is T-boned but you are uninjured and a super attractive person stops and offers you a ride, but then they try to kill you.

Look up John Mclaughlin with Shakti.

Listen to that and close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing - breath in, hold, and then exhale your anexiety.

It sounds like hippie bs but it works.

But who do you trust to set the standards? Who picks the questions? Who grades the tests?