This should be the other way around.

Not buy it in first place. Sooner or later, you will have foundation issues as the house begins to move down hill.

Soo, let me get this straight. If you're homeless, you can be jailed. If you can't pay the fine, you will be jailed. So we need to raise taxes to house all these homeless people in jails. Seems like a excellent plan!

Well, ok then. Maybe you should ask your gold spray tanned, draft dodging, rapist, fraudster, vetran hating, adultres, pedifile god to start taking them. Seriously, I've heard 5 year old make more sense.

So what's going to happen when the people up in Midwest say no? We were first.

You own Crimea, you control accessto Sea of Azov. Crimea is connected to Ukraine. Russia get the fuck out!

Lau's Czech Bakery New Prague.

Best Apple Fritters!

Lau's Czech Bakery New Prague!

Best Apple Fritters!

Shut the Fuck Up Biden. War would be over now if you would do what's right.

As a Minnesota resident I call on Dean Phillips to Shut The Fuck Up!

All churches should pay taxes.

What! No, it can't be. I bet after he went to drag queen show, he went home and jerked off in mom's basement.

This should be the line in the sand! It's kidnapping of children! Fuck Putin and fuck people who support him!

Let's have a test. She has to take a flag, attach to the flag pole, and raise it.

Back in the late 60s and early 70s going to McDonald's was a special treat when we went to the big city. So what's changed?

High prices or smart drivers. These drivers have figured out that if I drive this thing until it dies, I save a shit ton of $$$$$$!

Prisoner 4859. Tells the story of Polish soldier name Witold Pileck. The dude got captured by Germans on purpose to get sent to Auschwitz to gather info on German atrocities. Then broke out and back in several times. Then the Polish government executed him because the Soviet Union didn't like his anticommunist views.

Well, that's not Ted! I would hate to be that guy being accused of being Ted Nugent.