Instead of mindlessly throwing our land away to the highest bidder, it makes way more sense to lead with intention. Tories don’t care though, they just want to get their hooves on the delicious contracts.

It’s still being built though? Nothing was blocked they just came to a more sustainable agreement?

You’re right in saying more housing can help moderate house prices, but high-end developments don’t significantly benefit lower income households. You can see this in London, a lot the luxury new builds sit empty half the time and they don’t ever enter a price bracket that most people can afford.

Again, nothing was blocked indefinitely, the process was just improved to make it fairer, I don’t see what the problem is?

“Campaigners fear public access to the gardens will not be guaranteed, and have criticised the small amount of social housing in the development - 40 of the 196 homes will be classed as affordable housing.

Alastair Sawday, tourism publisher and Save Bristol Zoo Gardens co-founder, said: "This decision was wrong on so many levels.

"Wrong on planning, wrong on delivering public benefit, wrong on the amount of social housing, wrong on the supposed guarantee of public access to the gardens.

"Only the Green Party councillors challenged the lazy methodology on biodiversity gain and the extraordinary failure by a conservation charity to show leadership in environmental safeguards.”

A bit of context for why they blocked it.

It’s not that they hate houses being built, the majority of this lucrative green site was just going to get eaten up by rich people again, also wasn’t going to be carried out sustainably either. It’s now got the go ahead but looks like they’ve gained a better resolution.

So yeah, the Greens want things done, except with the British people and our environment kept in mind.

They are building houses though for Bristol Zoo? They’re doing a whole development.

Dovercourt is also being built

I’ll check the others ones later but so far I don’t see any evidence that the Greens are standing in the way of housing being built?

The Conservatives are fond of permitting expensive freeholds owed by foreign investors that average people cannot afford. Hardly a great addition to the British housing market.

How can the Greens block houses from being built? They’ve never been in government and they barely hold any seats?

They’re so weird. I’ve seen a few where the account owner travels all over the world to film women in public, it’s such a strange interest to have. I imagine they’re voyeurs looking for people to slip up, we probably don’t see the worst of the footage 😖

On another note, I’ve noticed an uptake in men taking pictures of women on public transport. I had to confront one of them and he immediately jumped off at the next stop. Proper creeps 🤢 think they get off on inappropriate behaviour

I understand that childcare can be expensive but would you not question why a person is totally okay with looking after your child for free? Why would anyone want to donate most of their time to help out a complete stranger AND for zero payment?

Seriously, there have been cases of people pimping out kids for drug money. You cannot always immediately tell if someone is an addict. These CB’s are really asking for trouble by putting out ads like this 😬

My mother was a SAHM and book keeper. My father worked in education for many years but eventually became a key player in the methamphetamine production industry.

Damn, seems like his reckless behaviour and sense of entitlement are nothing new. Also looks like you’re not the only person to have experienced it either!


What does this mean exactly? How do they to relate to each position?

I feel bad for people who choose be a LinkedIn Lunatic instead of a normal person ❤️

Tea & Biscuit Expert :cake:

Agreed. You’re think that being a major London station Euston would be a lot nicer. The business class lounge is like a Travel lodge breakfast room.


INFO: what was the inheritance dispute about?

Edit: edited for clarity


Weddings are expensive, they may not have the budget to pay for all their friends’ partners to attend. A lot of the commenters below are acting like this is some conspiracy against your girlfriend but the fact is that they’ve just maxed out their guest list. They don’t know your girlfriend super well from what you said either.

Braeburn or Jazz! They’re both crunchy, sweet and delicious 🤤

This is such a well-worded comment, agree with everything you said. Good traditional food has been gentrified here and we’ve lost so many recipes as result.

“I know there is fertile land behind me, but if I were to take this blindfold off and let down my guard then I would have to give up this seat”

Comfort kills. Get moving. Better things are in your horizon.

If you’re from the UK then why do you keep using American spellings like “apologize” and “unfavorable”?

Anyway, ESH but mainly your creepy uncle for dating a teenager and allowing his family to chastise her. Yes, she’s uneducated and likely gets her info from TikTok because she’s too young. No adult ever says they’re “of age” in response to be asked how old they are. Sounds like your uncle told her to say that if any brought the topic up.

YTA for recognising how young she is but still addressing her like an adult. Why don’t you speak to your uncle about him dating teenagers from broken homes and treating your aunt poorly?

Nice straw man. No, I would’ve thought it would be similar to discouraging bartenders from drinking on the job.

Thank you for sharing your mum’s story.

I’m really shocked and appalled that these gambling shops encourage their employees to get involved in something that is obviously so addictive. They have no shame!

They’re so hideous as well, instantly make any high street look 100 times more shit

There’s more to life than money tho. Don’t know about you but my family is more important to me! No amount of money could replace them.

The issue is that she is 68 and will be nearing death by the time her grandchildren are adults.

In my opinion, it’s slightly selfish to disallow the kids from having a normal family just to uphold some obsolete wish. Her son is not around to father them and their mom is a random paid surrogate, granny will be dead soon…what’s the point…

Rich people are weird.