Their backers (including the Russians) are going to love having a presence in Parliament, where they can get these people to spread whatever conspiracy theories they want without anyone being able to stop them, and it being a matter of public record.

They might not turn up to work all the time, but they basically just need to do enough to poo in the swimming pool, metaphorically. Which they absolutely will.

If we had a proportional system, so would the Lib Dems and the Greens. But that isn't my point. We have to respect the will of voters, and if Reform get 13 MPs based on the vote, then fine.

I just wish they wouldn't.

Yes. It only samples certain seats, and you could argue that there are a lot of close seats where it is very hard to predict, but it has always been SO close to the final result in the past that you cannot imagine it being TOO far off.

So numbers might change a bit but Labour win massively, Tories are screwed, SNP had a bad one, Lib Dems will be happy.

I really hope it is wrong about Reform getting 13 seats, but...

Yes. Definitely.

Cheese on toast savoury, followed by Nutella on toast "dessert".

My dad used to sleep walk and this happened a few times.

There was one occasion he went to bed in his pyjamas and woke up on the sofa in a shirt and trousers with the telly on.

Probably not objectively weirdest, but when I was about 9 years old (so probably not the best person to ask), two elderly ladies in a car stopped and asked of I knew the area and could give them directions. I said not really, but I will get my dad.

Dad came out of the house to help them, and asked where they wanted to go to?


We were in a small cul de sac in a small village in the Midlands, 150 miles from London and a long way from a motorway. He ended up telling them to follow him and escorting them to the motorway junction.

We still occasionally discuss at family gatherings what they were up to, and how they got there.

She is a lovely lady and I am very proud of her in a number of ways.

Fair to say she doesn't really pay enough attention to politics, though...

Had a chat with my mum last night.

She went for a coffee with two of her friends yesterday, and they were discussing which of the election candidates local to them had the kindest face, as a way to decide who to vote for. But mum isn't convinced. She might vote Lib Dem because she met the candidate and he was a nice man, or she might vote Tory because even though she thinks they have been rubbish, she feels a bit sorry for them.

Just remember, if you aren't voting, that those three definitely will be....

If you go back 30 years to 2004, the Star was doing 900k, and The Sun, which had top spot, was doing 3.4m!

Newspaper circulation is a shadow of what it was. Obviously, many people still read online, but I can't imagine The Star has huge digital numbers.

To be fair, though, there were local newspapers doing numbers like that 20 years ago. It is a terrible circulation for a national newspaper.

The real answer, anyway, is that the running costs are low and the owners still make enough money on the advertising to just about make it profitable, plus newspaper owners like to wield influence.

Mate, I have got 28 days holiday this year. If I want to take July 4th off, I can.

If you are feeling anxious, doing something to occupy your mind and ideally get a bit of exercise too would hopefully help.

Going for a long walk, reading a book, etc.

But it is easier to tell other people to do this than to do it. Tbh, with the limited free time I have I mostly watch TV.

If those are the circumstances near you, then it isn't that hard to buy a house near you, I suppose.

But in a lot of the country the prices are a lot higher, so it is. And we can't all move to cheaper places as the jobs that pay more money aren't there.

I think all those sort of places were turned into flats or bedsit as you can make more money that way.

I was getting "middle eight" as it is the middle eight letters of the alphabet, and trying to work out a 5 letter work in music that would mean interlude or something like that, and then when I revealed I realised the answer was much winpler than I expected.

I think it is because Google Maps hasn't been updated for a while.

Nowadays, you can't walk through the station as there are gates. A few years back before all the work on it, you could walk through the tunnel as there were only tap in stations on the wall.

Hence Google Maps is now wrong.

Well I have no idea who she was other than she was at a particular party in a particular bar in Summer of 1998, so I imagine I would have to spend quite a while tracking her down.

Honestly, drinking plenty of water and getting plenty of sleep are the only things that I have found work.

I know there might not be a lot of science to it, but as I get older I have also found some drinks are worse than others. I can drink beer or whisky and I might feel foggy the next day but fairly okay. White wine and it feels like someone has chainsawed my brain.

Not nowadays, but when I was growing up every bed at my grandma's house had a potty under it, because the only toilet was downstairs and it was basically an outdoor loo (there was a bit of covered walkway between the kitchen door and the loo, but it was basically in a shed and it was freezing).

And I am only in my forties.

Hot and sour soup Chicken and green pepper with black bean sauce A large portion of egg fried rice.

If there is money left in the budget, Szechuan fried vegetables as a side.

Both sound very atypical for England. It didn't make much different really...

I want a big house and nice things, and I don't want to have to do a job 5 days a week, so that I have more time to enjoy that situation.

That is it. No desire to have massive power, bragging rights, etc. Just a good life and time to enjoy it.