ahhh so thats why there was all the traffic, I thought there was some obscene turn out for JLS or something.

Scots would happily share their drink with you and by the end of the night, you would be calling each other brother and sending Telegram messages for years to come.

The english however, you would be checking your wallet and washing your hands with hot bleach after.

:United_Kingdom: :Wales: Sheep lover

Arriving at the first class arrivals lounge in Frankfurt am main, then being driven by a chauffer to your gated estate to visit your family who have to travel to you to see you isn't the same as spending a week back in the estate with the lads.

:United_Kingdom: :Wales: Sheep lover

IKR, the most racist people you will ever meet are American 'Mexicans' talking about 'Mexicans'.

:United_Kingdom: :Wales: Sheep lover

As the official representative of the Native people of what is known as 'the United Kingdom' (fucking joke of a name), I have come to deliver you this message from the Senedd and Eisteddfod Council.

You first Barry.

:United_Kingdom: :Wales: Sheep lover

Fuck this turned into a wall'o'text...

I think the part that is being pointed out to you, that I think you do understand, but are choosing not to acknowledge is that there are most certainly people that abuse the refugee situation. I don't mean that as a negative, I really don't.

As you yourself said, people in Ukraine are at risk of being hit by Russia, a 23 year old male from Lviv dodging the draft is not equal to a mother and child evacuating from Luhansk. Be honest at least and admit that fact?

I'm a first-hand immigrant to the US and my Wife is an immigrant to the UK, immigration is great, all for it obviously, and even charity immigration is great.

In the Gold-gobblins example, he is frustrated that too many of the first type of immigrants seem to be making it to Switzerland and that they are receiving treatment that would make a native jealous, or in my nation's case literal boatloads of mid-saharan financial refugees arrive after paying someone to sneak them to our shore so they can deliver grub hub at 1am.

On the left we can't be ignorant to this fact, when we are we're labeled as 'woke', I want us to be able to take in 700,000 mothers and children a year or people fleeing a warzone, not 700,000 people who are here just to make money to send home which damages our economy.

If we do not acknowledge this fact, the subsequent strain on resources, the impact to the NHS, housing etc all things that we accept as being immigrant-friendly, will instead go to those that are here to abuse the system, not escape harm or want to become British.

Also, Consider the other side's argument, imagine that you are a minimum wage person in the UK or you live off benefits, you can't fucking afford anything, and now you got to decide if you are going to put another quid in the electric meter or sit in the cold and dark but get to eat something, whatever you can find on discount at the CO-OP, while you wait a few more days till you can go to the foodbank again... Pretty fucing dire right? But it's happening to many people in the UK today.

And then, you see a video on the news of 50 immigrants who arrived that morning getting off a bus after being taken to the other side of the country to a fancy hotel, given a cash allowance, meals provided for them, assistance in getting a job, maybe even given a council job... And here you are trying to make a pack of biscuits last 2 days...

Your political leaders and thought leaders are telling you 'This isn't happening' or 'You're racist for making this observation', I would imagine there are only so many times you can be called a racist before you think 'fuck it, the racists are the only ones even acknowledging the problem let alone doing shit about it'.

Im not saying for a moment that the racist shitlords out there who are afraid of 'brown people' are not the literal scum of the earth, but I don't think for a second that their growing supporters throughout Europe actually belive that people with dark skin are lesser humans, but their support for those that do is being strongly driven by the attitude you shared here.

Show some empathy, not just for the immigrants, but for those that are being displaced by them, it's not racist to want your country to look after you before someone who committed a crime in getting here.

Oh, I envy you, you get to have a fun evening of googling 'exercise Snowy Owl' and learn all about it.

Here's a fun place to start - https://www.key.aero/article/how-raf-took-harrier-field


(I would love to go to the waterfall walk in Breacon but seems hard to get to without a car - if anyone knows any buses or coaches specifically for this, it’s really appreciated

Specifically... you might find some tourist group from Cardiff if that's your thing.

If not, I get the train to Neath then catch the 161 and get off at the Angel Inn in Pontneddfechan. The bus ride is over an hour though through country lanes, so get comfortable.

edit - here's the route on google maps - https://maps.app.goo.gl/yKcr2C3acRdRNWLz6

Who would downvote this? Let alone what 2 people would downvote this?

:United_Kingdom: :Wales: Sheep lover

eww more of that racism.

on the one hand, I can block you, then you would be truly Irish, IE entirely irrelevant.

:United_Kingdom: :Wales: Sheep lover

We've been a minority in our own country since 1480.

But for you to know that you would have to have gone to school, but as we all know, the Irish really don't do much education past begging.

Thats why you have that nasty bit of racism inside you, if you were educated you would know you're supposed to at least hide that you are scared of 'brown people'.

Top'o'the'mornin to ya.

Nah that was a slip, they just consider Scotland to be another part of England.

Might as well be following the recent elections too.

Says a person who has never had to live under a foreign government.

It's not just the Scots who feel this way, we do in wales, the cornish in Cornwall and of course the Irish made their point of view clear.

Each place I mentioned underwent the same abuses and starvation the Irish did, they however had the sea to help them almost drive off the english.

You know that almost every native in Scotland was murdered by the English, they ethnically cleansed everywhere they touched.

And they are proud of it.

So yeah, you wonder why the Celtic people say 'ffwsg y saesneg'?

Well if it were the English, they would take your deck then make you pay them for the privilege.

:United_Kingdom: :Wales: Sheep lover

Well of course it does, it's the same 1950's reconstruction shit you see all through Europe, you go to Dresden and you may as well be on a council estate in Manchester.

St Petersburger straus is a great example, 16th cent building on one side of the street, 1950s socialist housing on the other.

:United_Kingdom: :Wales: Sheep lover

Exactly right, and this is why the Irish are actually all British, they were born on the British Isles after all.

Pretty easy stuff to understand quite frankly.

Notably this year without the beach.

wanton pedantic wankery

you called?

Well one of the things the harrier could carry was the then new AIM-9 AAM, imagine the chaos of a AA battery that flies at 500kts and is armed with 2x20mm cannons as well as BL755 cluster munitions

Newport S.Wales train yard's guard 'portacabin' and 6 12 hour nights a week for 3 years go my degree done a year ahead.

Fucking all of them, no matter if they claim to be left, right or enlightened centrists, if they commit a crime they need to go to jail like a regular person.

Instead of thinking of the Harrier as a jet plane, think of it as a really fast helicopter.

What /u/Taira_Mai refers to is the RAF Field Force, One of the plans for the harrier was to outfit single aircraft hides throughout west German forests, these were built in very out-of-the-way or difficult places to reach by dropping a team often from RAF 27sq into the woods, they would level trees in a 10m x 20m strip. Then when ready would receive fuel and rearms and a harrier jet.

The plan was that they would stay hidden for days or even weeks after the Russian front had passed by then take off and cause all holy hell in the enemies rear, imagine a harrier appearing outside the forward HQ or ammo/fuel dump a month after the area has been confirmed as secure.

This would have massive effects upon the Russian push, if they had to protect every single asset in their rear or risk losing it to a Gr1 strike their ability to defend at the front would have to be reduced.

like stabilization and duds the M60 "Starship"


Question to follow on from this one.

If OP could prove the person intended to forgo payments, would this be classed as conversion? Does OP have the 'right' to seek possession of the asset he's now left paying for?