I’m only a bit younger than you, so just from another young persons perspective: Have some self respect. You’re 19, there’s no reason to stick with a disgusting man who treats you like shit.

You love him right, so would you ever treat him the way he treats you? If no, then what does that say about how he feels about you.

If he loved you he wouldn’t say those things, and those kinds of ‘jokes’ are never really a joke.

Don’t ever settle for someone who ever makes you doubt whether or not they like you. You should never have to feel like your partner secretly hates you, and if you do then they clearly aren’t treating you right.

Just a quick personal anecdote, when I was 14/15 I started antidepressants while I had COVID.

When you start antidepressants for the first few days you have to start with half a pill because you get some really shitty symptoms, so that plus COVID is not fun.

To list a few of the symptoms I personally had; -Severe cough (bad enough it make me throw up) -nausea -headache/migraines -weakness + fatigue (from low sodium due to antidepressants) -insomnia -muscle cramps -general crap feeling from COVID.

So if I, at that age, could deal with all of that all on my own, while making my own food and cleaning up after myself, and without blaming other people or claiming they don’t care about me because this or that, your grown ass husband should be able to do the same. It’s a sore throat, and while shitty, it does not render you incapable or incapacitated.

To add another layer to the anecdote, my mum was working while this was happening but my dad was unemployed. He, like men do, did absolutely nothing. He never even asked if I was okay.

So, to conclude, men suck and your husband’s a man-child. Would your husband take care of you like you are him if you had a sore throat?

Acrylic nails, a refresh haircut, and a blowout. I could be in an Adam Sandler get up and i’d still feel girly as fuck. Nothing makes me feel as good as a fresh set of claws and a change of hair.

I don't have an Aussie (yet) but I have a cavoodle which are notoriously clingy, she's attached to my hip half the time and is in my lap as I type this. Crate training was hard at first and there was a lot of crying and screaming, but if you do it slowly and right it becomes a safe space and is great for them to sleep in. The biggest thing is not to just leave them in there, you need to start small, sit near the crate with them (but leaving them alone) and only leave them in there for maybe 10 minutes, work your way up.

The first few full nights are hell, I had the crate in my room at first so I could sit near her when she was crying (I read a few articles that said it was supposed to help make sure they don't get too stressed or anxious) I was woken up multiple times in the middle of the night and got very little sleep, but if you keep it up eventually they'll sleep through the night. After that I moved her crate to the lounge room with little fuss. Overall it only took a week or two of actually using the crate (nonconsecutive, the sleep deprivation got to me and I gave in and let her sleep with me a few times) she was fine. Now she only cries if I don't wake up and let her out early enough for her.

Any dog can be crate trained, instincts aren't an end-all and anyone who says otherwise doesn't really know what they're talking about. Breeding and natural temperament is important, but training is more so.

Another great way to get some space for while is to set up a room for them, my girl is tiny so I use my bathroom. A puppy pad, some water, her bed with a blanket, a kong with peanut butter, and her favourite toy and she's good to go. Took a while to get her okay with that (same process as with the crate, pretty much), and while she's all potty trained and fine to have free roam of the house now, before that I could leave her in the bathroom for 6 hours while I was at school just fine.

Seren depends on where you’re studying, I think. Idk about the US and stuff, but in Australia you’d have pronunciation issues as it’s not a known name here at all. It’s also a bit more distinctive than I think you’re looking for.

Kaia is great if you’re in your early twenties or a similar age (gen z), not super common but in style.

Lienna is unique, never personally met anyone with that name, but very intuitive as it’s close to Sienna which is more common.

Sadie is cute.

Lily is super common.

Not sure about Nadia, to me that seems a bit Eastern European, so if you’re not wanting a region-distinctive name I’d maybe skip that one.

What does your work schedule look like? How many days do you work, how many hours per day, work from home days, etc?

Would it be a reasonable disablity/mental health accommodation to ask for 2 maybe even 3 wfh days provided I had some sort of therapist/gp/psychoiatrist note? Would that be seen as okay/acceptable and is that achievable? (Both for lawyer and paralegal roles)

What type of law do you practice, and what kind of work do you do? Like, are you often engaging with clients, doing paperwork, etc.

IDK much about this stuff, but I have a Hisense fridge going on 5 years strong that's never needed any repairs. They have a good energy rating too, which is always a bonus. If you want a cheap option they're around $1500 AUD. Mine is the Silver Top Mount one with a drink dispenser, and it says its $1300 on their website.

They are a Chinese brand, which I know people are icky about especially on here, but it works great for me so thought I'd share.

I think the makeup style in 8-9 isn’t the most flattering on you. It doesn’t look bad, but the last pictures makeup suits you so much more. The eyes especially make you look a bit older and tired.

I love that couch, wheres it from? It looks super comfy. x

Thank you!

Also for a philosophy major it says students must complete one level 1 subjects, three level 2 electives, etc. does that mean you can ONLY do that number of subjects from each level or are you able to do more and that is the minimum? Because I’m looking at the subjects for each and there are so many that I’d really love to do, and I’m a bit confused on how that all works.

ANU or Monash? I live in Adelaide and am considering where I want to study so I can plan budgets and saving and all that.

I don’t want to go to UniAdelaide because of the whole merging with SA thing.

My end goal is Melbourne, which is a point to Monash, but I’ve heard ANU has a better law program and is better in terms of student support.

Any thoughts or experience?

I actually really love school, especially the assessments. The assignments are the only part of school I’m actually enjoying. Even for the science subjects- while I hate the work I don’t mind having to do the SHE tasks. Essays are always fun for me regardless of the topic.

I hate science subjects and while I could normally put up with it, it’s been really hard this year as on top of starting late and struggling to catch up I’ve also been struggling with some mental stuff (just came off antidepressants) and my dad was arrested for like the third time this year or something.

I think you’re right in that I should just struggle through this semester, then I can ask my mum to do online school and hopefully choose more humanities based subjects, like the ones I plan to do in year 12, and do the certificate IV in legal services maybe.

I forget how, I saw it forever ago. Don’t even remember where. It was some kind of accident though, IIRC, not a health thing. That was the part that stuck with me the most, because it was totally unexpected.

I resent this. 😤

…I can also download books from z-lib and use my dad’s old hard drives full of pirated stuff.

Belinda Murrells books. The Ivory Rose, The Forgotten Pearl, The Sequin Star, etc. They’re set in Australia (or most of them are), and involve time travel. Very interesting and I loved them both as a kid and now.

I think 1, 3, and 4, really tie in the ceiling nicely. The blue ones seem a bit too much IMO.

I think the food thing is the main one.

There’s also just sweat. Different ethnicities and races smell different, there’s a gene aspect and other shit like what you eat, I don’t know the science. Apparently have unscented sweat is common in asians.

And all those wellness things. You don’t need a social media dickhead to tell you to stop gorging on sugar.

To add: Plastic drink bottles and coffee cups that actually do need to be replaced. Just buy a good one and you won’t have to keep paying for shitty ones.