Do you self a favor and get a shadow systems (DR920 is a g17) if you want something “built” way more for your money and less for just a name..they are nice but get too much of a tax, just personal opinion. Still a good gun and cool to have. Also shadow systems came out with some cool comp’d stuff I’d really like to try..XR920P full size comp 🤤

Feel like a jerk….i thought this was a Milwaukee post at first, zoomed in to see the tool and got hit with the background…


Can confirm…don’t care where it is as long as I can lay on my back!

Any adult is allowed to smoke with cigarettes..

You should check out the McIntosh MHT-300 AV unit ($8000). Just got one over’s amazing and insanely clear! easy to add amps to also but the quality over marantz and ARCAM was easy to make the decision. I imagine it wouldn’t be hard for you to find some type of dealer that has McIntosh in CA.

I don’t have to smoke alone to bring my own.

Bro…if that’s him in the glasses he needs a DNA test. I’d bet he’s definitely going to see something in there that would make him harrass himself…..haint no dad gum way he’s white lol

I don’t want Betty to bounce at all

Those uneven speakers would drive me up the fucking wall!

Wife into knives is way better than knife into wife!!

Not saying you’re right or wrong…but I doubt someone legalizing weed is the only reason they would get a vote.

Yea, well….bet he doesn’t go around fucking with random people anymore.

Most things shit themselves when they die….even bugs in coffee

I thought they were $800. At least they were when I got my x300t a few months ago…lol still

I would assumed it’s the only thing in the water and prod does funny stuff… kinda like burning out in a car and turning the wheel to go straight I would imagine