Would be pretty dope for a desk fidge toy a full 3d pistol

Ok I just didn't want to waste money on something that's going to end up getting clogged or any other issues

Need harden 0.4 nozzle recommendations

As the title says I need haren steel nozzle recommendations because I'm still using the stock brass one that came with the pro and I printed a good bit now and it might be getting close to the end of its life and yes I know to up the temp a little bit once I do get the steel nozzle

Did you heat the nozzle up before trying to change it?

Of course it's not, lol gotta love it

Yeah, that's what I been finding out. lol idk why they are pushing people who are on the g6 to go to the g7 if there's so many damn issues

Well if that's the case it sounds like I'm sticking with g6 for now because I'm also a side sleeper,also I don't use just adhesive that comes with the sensors I use a pad that looks like an alcohol pad but when it dries it's tacky and it normally holds great unless it I hook it onto something but that doesn't happen alot since it's on my stomach but check out the stuff I use.


I feel like the quality went down

I currently use a G6 and I know the G7 is out I'm just waiting to talk about it with my dr but my god it feels like my sensors last 6 days and not 7 because on the last day it miss reads my sugar levels or it's constantly losing signal to my phone.

Not to mention, they told the guy in the chair he has to say goodbye to his dog and it could be put down since there's no one to watch it if I remember correctly

I'd wrap it up in garbage bag and duct tape and leave it by the trash so it scares the hell out of the garbage truck employees just male sure you are there to make sure to tell them it's a prank before the cops get called

No Gluck Gluck 9000 with cum swallowing features? Ok no vibrating egg it's a pretty dumb hill to die on when it allows you to get off when she's sick,not in the mood, etc some people need to give up on the idea of guys shouldn't have sex toys like what you expect us to be beating our meat the old fashioned way while they are using their ufo space ship to get off

It's good to talk about this with your partner and enjoy making some knuckle butter

Lol I was thinking of taking pics of my set up because it's literally just a plastic folding table like they use for yard sales since I can fold it and move it easier till I make my desk and a $800 8 yr old pc with a 1060 3gb graphic card and after watching the stream alot of people just need to grab their trash and throw it away when they get up I don't see why they would need a brand new set up if they just need to clean up

About time they kicked his ass to the curb


If the first name is Enward the middle name needs to be bubble maker

Iso should take care of the writing on the lid bit yeah, I use tape, then just fold a corner so you can just rip it off when done

In another video, he was in a video where he talked, but the youtuber who was with him modified his voice, so he didn't talk because it was live and had no way to modify his voice ...that would be my guess

I'd watch a chill stream where TTS and chat is entertaining wubby while he builds it. Maybe a cross-over on when we do media share?

The dude shits himself so much that he knows how to scoop shit like a pro

Here's a stupid question but has anyone tried any of the gamer supps flavor in a soda stream I bet wubbys would be pretty good carbonated