So as I understand VM:

By perspective

Snake: Extract Sokolov, get home

Boss: Defect, Cement cover by bringing nukes and stopping Sokolov's extraction, Do not allow the Cobras to kill Snake or launch a nuke.

CIA: Triple Fake set up to sell Boss' defection to GRU but not to kill Snake unless necessary for the sell. Snake doesn't need to know in case he's captured.

When Volgin launched that missile (and blamed it on her) it seemed like a power play to make sure she was really good to her word after not killing Snake outright. Then she had to fully commit and hope she and Ocelot could delay things enough for Snake to finish the the job.

As stated, MGS1 is a good starting point. In the main game menu there's an option that will give you a summary of the original games.

If you leave your Rations (L2 menu) as your equipped item, it will automatically consume one when you're about to die. Nowhere does the game tell you this or several other things.

But you get that call from the Colonel being like "Snake! To climb a ladder, stand in front of it and press the Action button." Thanks man

Other small tips:

Find the thermal goggles. You can see lasers, items, and people easily. They are handy thru the whole game and missable.

Anytime you get a new key card, go back to the first hangar you snuck into and armory to get new items and weapons.If you're stuck, chances are you need to backtrack.

Call the codec homies alot. They give tips in boss fights and tell you about stuff you might need otherwise. Natasha will even tell you what weapon you should use.

You not wrong. Snake is a resolved dude. Resolved to get done and get back to his huskies

His animations in VR Missions are pretty rad too. He does like a sick arm pump on a stage clear and a jump with it on level clear

Literally any NPC interaction in TES4: Oblivion. Bethesda games in general have the most hilarious kinds of jank. Patrick Stewart telling me to escape the sewers just gets me every time

Apparently power posing lol. For like 20 years I thought he was just eating. I kinda wish it was like taking vitamins or peptide boosters or something but nah lol he's just making a fist dramatically

I don't know. 30m here. I have been in the same boat. I met a woman 6 years ago who changed the way I thought about life and women.

The problem was that she was married. I found her too late. From the moment we spoke, there was something between us, like someone from a past life. My heart burned so hot for her and she understood somehow without making me feel bad. I walked away. She had a family, what can I do? I found her too late this time.

I can't explain it. Some people just connect with something in you outside your control. If you love him, find a way to tell him. Tell him how you think of him and haven't forgotten him in years. Tell him what I wish I could tell her. If you can't, then I suggest art. I have a house full of paintings.

Hey so I don't know your routine but I suggest checking out resistance bands. The ones with the handles. Cheap, portable, and effective. YT vids about using them. Could easily use them at work, depending on your job. You're not gonna get jacked using them but you can keep your metabolism up for sure.

No it's not a guarantee. It depends on the company. Middle managers (like a floor supervisor or department head) get the short stick usually, with more hours and responsibilities for very little pay increase. Top end managers can have what you described, but it isn't just because they got an MBA. It's (usually) because they worked their way up and that's why most high management you see is 50+ years old.

If he's sending mixed signals, he's probably trying to figure out if you're into him without seeming like a creep. What he did was a little weird, no question, but people do weird shit when they're nervous. He might've been trying to see your reaction to touch and he got nervous and bombed it.

Yea there are 3 of them. The strongest one is in the Consecrated Snowfield. It's more difficult because he got some new moves. That said, he's easier if you can fight at range, particularly magic.

With good reason. She's certified stone-cold. She's the best female character in the series, hands down, and I'm beyond excited to see her CQC in the new game.

Yea, it's so bizarre. I'm 30m and was raised that if you stink, you shower. If you shower, you use soap. It was much easier to just be clean than be lazy about it because my parents would call me out and possibly not let me go with them. It stuck and now I clean up twice a day habitually even if I'm not very dirty.

People's hygiene baffles me. I have met many other dudes that don't clean themselves properly and are in denial. I have a good friend who lives alone (he also battles depression and general reclusiveness) and he used to smell pretty bad like a gym sock. One day we were out and our other friend's gf politely said he stinks. He got so upset he went home and every time I've seen him since, he's clean. Some people just need to learn to be embarrassed by it.

Edit: This isn't just men, unfortunately. I have met (admittedly fewer) women who have poor hygiene as well. It sucks to get all googly eyed over her just to realize that's only perfume.

It's not just you. We all feel the same. Video games, theaters, travel, it's all expensive. It honestly blows.

Try visual art. The stuff required to start painting and drawing is minimal and affordable. If you like it, you can spend more on better stuff.

It varies as every woman is different. I have made the mistake several times and now I just always assume they are only being friendly. Safer that way.

Don't wait to be approached by women. You're just gonna read into everything, and it's straight up unlikely to happen unless you really got it going on.

Just start a regular conversation. Pay attention and try to hold onto one or two facts that you can bring up as conversation another day. Rinse and repeat until you get an idea how she interacts. This is the way to make friends and that's the safest way to start something meaningful with someone. If shes not into it, you won't get far or you'll make a new friend. Win-win.

I game with my dad and my son. We get on Discord together once a week or so. We played Elden Ring from November to January and are excited for the new DLC! We game separately mostly though because we have different taste in games.

My son is 14 and only likes MMOs for the most part but will play anything socially.

I'm 30 and I play alot of strategy games and arpgs as well as some simmy stuff.

My dad is 59 and plays a lot of hard-core management sim stuff but will try new things (like Elden Ring). Lol he also spent like 3 years just modding Skyrim

I really hit the jackpot and we've been doing this for almost 3 years now. We all live far apart so it's been an incredible way to stay connected. I strongly encourage you to introduce them to gaming together and if it's their thing, it'll be a bond (albeit an expensive one) forever.

I love ME trilogy. It's so damn good. I don't know exactly how long they are, but I remember the total trilogy took me a LONG time. 96 hours is probably enough but you still gotta eat and sleep.

Sometimes people will visibly jerk when startled in converstations and will do something odd to play it off. I've done it and I've seen others do it. There is maybe some latent psychology to covering the mouth specifically, but touching the face is also a self-soothe thing.

I also struggle with that. I find that if I give them my undivided attention and keep strong eye contact, I can often keep it.

Walk (or run) every day and stretch. Stay moving so you can stay moving. Any other exercise is a bonus.

Save fried food and alcohol for special occasions. Eat plenty veggies and fruit. Drink more water than anything else.

You don't have to go hard in the gym or run 20 miles a week. Just make consistent effort.

I tried a couple therapists before I found one that helped me. When I did, it felt good. Like talking to a friend that cared about my life and asked me penetratingly simple questions. Sure, it sucks you have to buy that experience, but it's enormously helpful to have someone to lean on when the hall is getting dark.

Wow. This thread has reiterated to me that most people do not know how big wolves are. They are way beyond most people. Even a cheetah is pretty optimistic imo. These animals also fight to survive daily.

I'm pretty confident about taking most dogs, even bigger ones, but a trained dog is iffy. Anything smaller than a dog I'm confident, except a wolverine.