And he was killed by Kevin Kostner in Waterworld and had his arm blown off by Bruce Willis in The Jackal. He sure is a trooper.

Nothing sexual. Dudes in good shape encouraged. If you're fat, you should be able to find humor in the little things.

I live in lompoc. The launches either land back at base (rare) or land on the barge a few hundred km south in the sea of Cortez I think. Vandenberg only launches polar orbits so they always launch south. Florida is for equatorial orbits so they only launch east.

"Can you get me one of those little bar straws? Yeah, thank you so much!"

Perfect ending

I watched that too and actually agree. Not defending Shapiro, but the problem is that it's not just a misdirect, because red herrings are great writing. The movie makes you feel dumb for trying to figure out the mystery when you realize you were never given the tools. Flashback scenes just omit the important clues, no hinting, no aha moments. There is no mystery to solve, the movie just tells you what happened at the end. If the entire movie is trying to poke fun at who-done-its as a genre then maybe I could get it, but it takes itself very seriously.

The movie Chef is an allegory of John Favreau being allowed zero artistic risk by the studio while making iron Man 2, and then quitting iron Man 3 to make the movie Chef which is represented by the food truck and him being able to make the food/movie he wants.

No, she is speaking about the soul transfer of ancient trapped energy beings that have been imported over and over into the most influential people throughout time.

Yeah, based on some of his material I would be he is a fan.

It's not ideal but if you have an old first aid kit with a survival blanket, it works okay. I used it on a 5in maksutov to look at sunspots. I had to double up the film though.

From what I've learned of the gau8, it only has about 9 sec of burst. So they have 10 .9sec bursts. I have never heard such a long one. That must be almost all the ammo. Crazy!

TBF, the bending is normal. It's a wide vehicle so it's extended to the last notch.

Sorry about the assholes here. They are only for shorter trips. The max legal speed is 55 and they are only used when necessary, like for an all wheel drive. Also this guy isn't using straps which IS idiotic. Also, unless modern jeeps don't have a transfer case, this doesn't need the dollies.

I second Sea-radish3036. I learned the hard way when I started fishing again. Put 20lb flouro on a spinner and it was the stretchiest line Ive ever used. So much that I had a hard time breaking the line when snagged. It would just stretch and stretch. Also doesn't spool well because it's stiff line. Use Flouro for leaders only because the stiffness helps and it's invisible.

Edit: It's mono, not Flouro. You are fine.

It's beyond the limits of physics folks! They had to create completely new laws of reality!

Actor. His first credit is a commercial for the Atari game Pitfall when he was 13.

Its wild how many smaller roles he got. Had his arm blown off by Bruce Willis in The Jackal, flew a plane in Waterworld that was harpooned by Kevin Kostner. This photo looks close to Airborne about rollerblade kids in Cincinnati where he is also a bully.