Normal hoppers are chill tho and they give a ton of geo

I shoot them back with my ak-47 in my back pocket

You can also do it with reaper leviathans if you’re brave

I would grapple and drill the shit out of that squid if I could. You fuck with me, I reorganize with your intestines.

I think they meant crabsquids, they give off an EMP when you shine the lights on them or if you’re nearby. It disables all electronics for a bit. Other creatures are light sensitive, but crabsquids are the most blatant example

Send the screenshot to your phone through an email or something, that’s what I do

Pokémon Scarlet

A mix of pink from mega garchomp and blue and bright yellow from gible.

Yes. Get rid of either quick slash or mark of pride for shaman stone.

Heavy blow. You knock ranged attackers farther back and waste 2 charm notches on most bosses that don’t take knockback. The quicker stagger is useless when you can get an extra 2 notches and simply hit the boss one or two more times extra.

I would give benzine and a deep shroom to eliminate the need for the blood kelp zone. What’s the point of giving benzine if they have to go somewhere to get deep shrooms anyway?

Why are you using glowing womb? It’s not even that good. You should stop using it and start actually fighting bosses yourself because you will suffer in many of the boss fights otherwise

I was referring to witches and potion brewing, but enchanting works as well.

You’re pokemon go? Finally, someone to complain to. Everyone rant to this guy about all of pokemon go’s problems