Another point to consider is: Felons can’t vote in most of the states. Yet they can run for president. Does this make any sense? Republican’s were all about “Law and Order” yet now they’ve gone all out oligarchic fascism hard right. They love Putin, which for my age group (63) is s huge Flag. Russia is our long term enemy they want what we have in the USA but are too afraid to give power to their citizenry . So, they are stealing our ability to make sound judgement by spreading false info via SM, committing cyber crimes,creating chaos in our country. Trump is too weak to recognize how much trouble Putin is for the US. He wishes to be like him though. The absolute power angle should shake us all to our core.

I’ve been around stables all my life. This is horse shit. Anyone who believes tRump is sane needs to have their own sanity questioned. Bernie supporter who voted for tRump.. but why not vote for a fascist dictatorship? That is nonsense!

Really? You’re saying that just because tRump tells the best lies he is going to win? I believe we are all being propagandized by the oligarchs and fascist media companies to forgot about how shitty of a president “The Apprentice” pretend really smart-good businessman was. That guy is far worse than Biden, who is old but wise, has far more experience getting this accomplished in a bipartisan way. On the flip tRump’s debate performance was nothing more than a broken record of his greatest hits. That guy is a certified nut job who was full on “Gish Gallop” at the debate. A regular firehose of malarky.

Yes, there needs to be documentation of declassifying documents. He has none, he is a sloppy guy with zero fucks to give. His drug addled mind believes as President I’m the Mad King and can do as he pleases, awful or lawful it did not matter to him.

Those powers are certainly Putinesque almost like by design.

He didn’t swing any swing voters to his third world country worldview. When has a candidate even won an election with trashing the country he wishes to lead? That’s insane shite.

Latino’s know third world dictator when they see one. Trump is telling we are a third world country. They are dying to get here and they know full well he is full of caca.

Women are stoked about the abolishment of Roe v Wade . They are going to vote for Biden.

Trump had nothing new to offer swing voters. He’s has no policy, no platform, he thinks he’s living in a third world country. He doesn’t bring shit to the undecided. He is lawless and nothing more than a vacuous blowhard and a convicted felon on 34 counts of falsifying business records to cover up his five minute mushroom massage by a porn star. That alone disqualifies him from being president ever again. He is the epitome of a Third world dictator.

You could fit Trump’s worldview on the head of a pin. He is the Sgt Shultz of Maga.” I know nut-tink”

If it is 10 sec’s it’s toooo much. Such a waste of time! That shithead needs to go over the outhouse rainbow. Mucho’s Pronto’s caca cabeza!!🌈 time to push up daisies!🌼🌼🌼🪦

Hopefully they register their friends and family, ride share or whatever is necessary to get out the vote✅✅💙🌊

LOL I’ve been there. It obviously is not a big mover. 😂😂✅

It’s the Scots/Irish in him. I can relate I’m a bit more grumpy at my age too. He’s a smart guy who doesn’t suffer fools.

Religion is a means to an end. Trump is similar to the bank robber John Dillinger who when asked “why did you rob all those banks?” He replied “ because that were all the moneys at” Trump is monetarily religious. He knows these church’s are very wealthy,they pay no tax and he wants it.

It’s not good enough to read it like a short story of fiction to be read and forgotten. It is a code of ethics. He has broken every damn one of those Ten Commandments!


I think Elon is wise in his own eyes. Only time will tell if he survives his foray to Mars. Whatever happens it was meant to be by his design. He may die trying.

They will die of unintended consequences. Deep Water Horizon comes to mind. Science goes where no man dares to go until they run afoul of natural law.

BuFu to the max! Bret Kavanaugh’s definition of the term was oddly different than I recall. He grew up in my generation and he is a lying sack of shit. BuFu was known as butt fucking aka anal sex. He gets up there and says it was anal chugging of beer, because you know ol yeasty likes beer. Idiota🙃😏🤡