Excessive amount of make up, lip filler, botox face, fake tits and other "improvements" - massive turn off and red flag.

I have others, but this is what i spot within 2 sec. You aren't kidding no one. We can all see what you've done to your body...

The end is so cringe. Do they actually think we're all lusting for a car that we can't afford!? Hell, I could buy numerous cars, but I DON'T FUCKING WANT TO!

That sucks. I have no idea why, I'm just here to comment on your cat. I like your cat.

Det er jo også det jeg siger, klart vi skal have nogle veje. Men også klart at der kører alt alt for mange biler unødigt rundt. Det er selvfølgelig ikke sort/hvidt det her, men det må efterhånden være tydeligt for alle at bilismen fylder alt alt for meget, økonomisk, miljømæssigt og politisk. Og når bilen er det eneste alternativ, som i de mindre byer, så er det også en enorm og meget uheldig ulighedsskabende faktor.

Tjae, det kan jo diskuteres. Men det er jo nok ikke dig som får særligt meget ud af nye motorveje, udvidede motorveje og vedligeholdelse af hele infrastrukturen. Klart vi skal have nogle veje, men også klart at vi kunne prioritere HELT anderledes så flere fik gavn af de kolossale beløb som bliver tilført "bilindustrien". Skat og afgifter på biler er ALT for lave, sammenlignet med de subsidier infrastrukturen bliver tilført.

Og så har du ikke engang medtaget udgifter til al bil-infrastrukturen, hvilke jo er massive beløb. Penge som staten rask væk kaster efter bilejerne - uden at dem uden bil får et tilsvarende beløb.

Weird flex!? We have such an incompetent government and poor population and crime is running wild, that we have to take matters into our own hands. How is this good? LOL smh.

CEOs have a hard time finding out how they can control and manage people WFH. That's the main reason, imo.

In other words, CEOs want to do exactly how they've always done and are too afraid and incompetent to come up with new ways to manage and organise a business with lots of WFH employees. So, laziness and incompetence.

Det er vel ikke korruption, så længe kriminaliteten ikke vedrører offentlige institutioner!?

Nej. Ordet er specifikt forbundet til feminisme og modkultur, meget kort sagt. Ordet skal ikke nødvendigvis bruges om en handicappet som har svært ved at møde kvinder, hvis vedkommende ikke synes det er samfundet/kvinders skyld.

Virkelig svag måde at argumentere på. Hvis du er uenig, eller vil uddybe, så gør det, i stedet for at være fesen passiv-aggressiv. Vil du betegne dig selv som incel?

What's the age difference? 5 years?

Maybe that's your point? Smh. What a shit show...

It's funny that you think Trump somehow gives a shit about you and me!? Maybe Biden doesn't either, but Trumpdy Dumpdy sure as hell couldn't care less. He doesn't even care about his allies and friends... What a shit show this is.

At first glance it seems complicated, but its actually not that bad, once you get to terms with the layout of the synths.

YouTube, my man. And invest some time in learning how it works. It's worth it.

Now, it's been a while, but I seem to remember getting a lot from this video


I really hope you get the hang of it. IMO it's a great, very special and very versatile instrument.

Most people are unbelievably stupid. Like, how can they breathe and stand upright at the same time!?!!

Stop supporting a fascist regime, you absolute morons. Stop and think before you simp to shit like this...

Motherfucking god damn morons.