Fuck that toxic bitch

Bless his heart

Fuck that toxic bitch

2, but as a fly on the wall😭

Who does Draino want to fuck? I don't think he's a backwards mechanic but I didnt know he wanted to fuck somebody droon the show??


That's the point. Julia reminisces with him about the time he was clumsily standing behind a horse and got kicked by it because he didnt know horses did that. Teddy was just a pushover before Alejandro (and various others) turned him into what he became in the end. I think that's also why he genuinely believes that he is a "patriot" who is saving the entire country all by himself, like a dork who got bullied a lot in school or something. Dont get me wrong, I dont hate him as a character, frankly I cant imagine any other actor playing the role, but yeah lol Teddy and Franklin share more characteristics with each other than they may realize but I'll leave it at that.

"I'll show them, I'll show them all!" type of vibes.

Edit: I just realized you said you just finished the 2nd season, lets just thank god I didn't say anything that spoils the show🤭😬

Fuck that toxic bitch

Couldnt Tariq legally get his trust money back by suing the company? After all, isnt a ponzi scheme still illegal as fuck?😕

Fuck that toxic bitch

Who exactly was the main person behind the Ponzi scheme?

Fuck that toxic bitch

Isn't it the responsibility of the trust fund attorney to keep that money safe? Unless I'm missing something here

What if Tariq graduates with a GPA under 3.5?Book II: Ghost

Can he never inherit his money? Sure he could probably retake classes or something, but is this actually a thing irl?

Right, clearly hes only saying this simply because he knows this is exactly what fans want him to say 😭

JDM saying he'll bash Cameron's head in. I believe some of JDMs dialogue was at least loosely inspired by TWD. I cant remember any other references off the top of my head, i gotta rewatch the season to remember but I noticed a couple of them for sure.

Ironically enough everybody on reddit knows about her but for some reason nobody knows why they did her like that😭 at the end of the day isnt she a little kid? Hopefully she realizes wtf shes selling her soul to and manages to move on with her life.

Fuck that toxic bitch

Yeah lol could you blame him tho? Little by little he is realizing that everything Ghost was doing was literally to protect their family, and the deeper into shit that he gets himself into, the more he realizes from first hand experience that Ghost did (kind of actually?) love him. He's finding himself in his father's shoes and slowly but surely understanding everything that Ghost did. Shit if anything, by the end of s4 Tariq will finally get an idea of why Ghost suddenly cancelled the game and drove him back home with no explanation lmao.

Fuck that toxic bitch

You're right about that as well, what I meant tho was like even when Tariq "left" the game (or at least tried to), he got pulled back in with his crew members chosen for him. This is just also what I told the person I was originally replying to, I might get some things wrong too tho admittedly.

Fuck that toxic bitch

Yeah you're right, technically his crew was picked for him by Noma lol

What I'm wondering is why they got rolled out in the first place cuz as far as the streets know, the hood disowned her😭🤔

Fuck that toxic bitch

It makes sense. Generally the father is the one who teaches the son how to fight or defend themselves. Tariq knew how to defend himself verbally because he always saw Ghost arguing or whatever, but IIRC he never talked to Tariq about fighting. We saw Tariq grow up from age 12, he never even went out at all as a kid up until he met Kanan, and even then Kanans circle was pure adults who all used guns.

I think this was also the case with Lou in Raising Kanan. When he got down with Marvin in front of a drive way Lou clearly didn't have hands either, probably because he has always used guns.

Fuck that toxic bitch

Apparently Tariq doesnt😭 but I do get what you mean and you have a point, but it doesn't seem like Tariq is actively trying to be in that life (even though he is in it), so he isn't actively looking for a crew. I think that makes sense if not then idk lol

Fuck that toxic bitch

Probably cause that's already been explored in Raising Kanan

It's a "what if" episode, or at least the first half is. The writers did a really good job at switching from the "what if" part to real time (a few weeks? After Franklin got shot). The switch happens during the bath scene, if that makes sense (not sure how to properly word this)


I'm guessing Obama, considering he gave TDog, the only black guy in the group, a cool ass nick name (Mr Yo😎).

I think the reason TDog got mad at him was because he didn't like the fact that Merle thought he was cool with TDog enough to be able to say the N-word around him😕