Really that goes for many industries. I work in Tech for example and IT/software people also live their strings of abbreviated words in letter format

Being able to die is important, the opposite could have someone exploit your immortality to put you in a constant painful state..... Basically if there was a hell on earth you found and live it

:HD1skull::Medal: HD1 Veteran

It's fitting I add the 420th uproot right after ripping on a pen to help me sleep

No, too much work. I can get there on my own without a kid to mess it uo

:HD1skull::Medal: HD1 Veteran

That's a great idea, been trying to incorporate smoke more in my bots since that and a sneak build should work well to sidestep most bot drips and patrols

Similarly, I love how the food I buy is exactly where I left it in an unaltered/diminished state. Takeout leftovers too

Wow, that butterfly tat is really cool, with the skull in the middle

I'm a space marine that started at 20k, worked up the ladder over 10 years and now still make 20k

The women men don't like to go down on usually got that swamp marina pussy that can make you gag. My guess I'd it's a hygiene problem, I have not git down on a woman for the same

You guys have doorbells? My house doesn't; (

I just noticed this, Thanks for pointing it out. Such a fugly truck

If it's a slack or teams I will add an emote to the message, as this not only fails to notify them but is as a low effort reply as they did to me

If you feel really petty can make your status this to get the point across

Cloud Architect

This, I had this exact experience when I finished. Only difference is I was promised a bump post degree and the above logic was used to deny it. Left a bad taste in my mouth as I was busting my ass early career, left to greener pastures

33M here, I would date a Virgin and treat them just like everyone else: with respect and consent check-ins during the act (likely more checkins knowing your a Virgin to ensure you're comfortable).

IMO, sex is fun when both parties enjoy it. First times can be a little awkward, but that doesn't mean they cant be fun if everyone's comfortable and into it.

And besides I like a little awkward, creates some fun stories/memories in all facets of life

My mom is dead to me if that counts. Someone can have my mother I couldn't find a way to successfully return her. Also get similar convos like OP, (christmas/Easter / thanksgiving) and I hate it.

Wish people would just mind their business sometimes unless someone specifically volunteers info on these topics around family dynamics. My family was very dysfunctional ending in a divorce so dragging it all up every year is rather exhausting mentally

Congrays, geels good doesnt it?

I had a goal to hit this base before 30, I got it at 30y, 4 months. Goals like this are important, keep ar it snd set another goal for your career, sky's the limit if you are ambitious, motivated, and can talk to any kind if person (technical vs C-suite vs backoffice etc

My most memorable was seeing starship troopers with my dad, while we both ate the pepper jack cheese It's (the triangle limited variety).

A great movie

This smell makes me nauseous, so still would be a bad fart to me