:reputation: Honey i rose up from the dead, I do it all the time

Red & 1989 or 1989 & Folkloreo

Caught a bit of their set from afar at Riot Fest in 2022. They're one of those bands that are somewhat more regionally popular (Chicagoland and the surrounding states) than nationally popular

The more i think of it, the more i realize Koi No Yokan has to be my favorite Deftones record

Grade is still one of the most underappreciated bands out there, same level of influence as Lifetime/STD but yet not as much recognition

Which one was it cause i've probably eaten there growing up haha

I had Silver growing up and that lvl 70 Ho-Oh was a staple on my post-game team.

Not metal but Billy Talent is pretty damn technical

I was so stoked to hear one of your new songs on Octane a month, cranked that shit up so fast🤘🏼

Hoping to catch you gals on a canada wide tour sooner or later!

the oldheads are always gonna hate on newer things that challenges their perception of a genre and get popular quick. I mean, it's happening right now with Bad Omens & Sleep Token.

Linkin Park were always beloved and very popular. Everyone i knew knew their songs and were spoken very highly about

Right as i was discovering music, Music World happened to close down🫠

Most interesting thing Grayscale has done recently was one of their guitarists covering Dream Theater on ig lmao

Kinda like Microplay & Videotron over here in Quebec. I miss Microplay dearly

Whats with the third HH album being forgotten despite it being released near the peak of emo dominance?

I feel like this is a huuuuge problem of the genre in recent years. Frankly, its beyond annoying that every 3rd band does this

Going with 2000, two gamechanging classics