The point that I'm trying to make is not that Arab Atheists are bad people who blindly hate their backgrounds and culture.

My point is that I find western-style Islamophobic and Anti-Arab viewpoints being adopted by people like him and without push back to be deeply troubling, as it gives a green light to bigotry, hate and the further dehumanization of us as whole.

Sorry for the generalizing tone of my original comment.

I couldn't find the video, but from what I remember it was around the time of the migrant crisis caused by the Syrian civil war and a massive wave of Islamophobia and Anti-Arab racism that came with it, that I stumbled upon his channel and saw the video.

This is video response to his video, just to prove that video existed:

Arab Atheist like him are nothing but white supremacists lap dogs, the amount racist and Islamophobic retric that guys like him rationalize, legitimise and help spread is just beyond me.

To this day I still remember a repulsive video of him talking about Palestine and who the Palestinians don't deserve their land back because they are "backwards and uncivilised".

People like him should be called out and held under public scrutiny for lunacy they help put forward, not jailed.

:independenceflag: السودان

The only thing I want to see Burhan and Hemeti sharing is a jail cell.

:independenceflag: السودان

الله يرحمه ويتقبله شهيدا

انا لله وان اليه راجعون، الله يرحمه ويتقبله شهيدا

مشيناها ممكن السودان يتعافى

السودان لن يتعافى بالسماح لجماعة ارهابية و داعميها، بالافلات من العدالة ... القصاص فقط.

الدعم السريع سابقا الجنجويد، ليست الا جماعة ارهابية واجرامية تحرق، تنهب، تقتل وتضغتصب اهل السودان، كانت وستظل على شاكلتها، انا لن اغفر لهذه الجماعة الارهابية ولن اتقبلها هي وداعميها الباحثين عن الثراء بدم وآلم اهل السودان، لن اقبل ان يضيع دم الابرياء هدرا ... القصاص فقط.

:independenceflag: السودان

And the ones backing them

insecure rando trying to "own" the "backwards A-rabz"

Racist white supremacy bullshit to justify and normalize killing us on mass