You ranters are kinda funny on this sub. I use your posts as examples of what not to do and it always works because if you'd realize how pathetic most of y'all sound you'd cringe yourself to death. Trust me I always partially do while reading these posts. Funny and sad at the same time.

Despite your frankly insane beliefs and convictions that I don't even know how you've come to believe, the actual reality is that you're addicted to porn because you've accepted it as part of your identity. You say to yourself "I am trying to quit porn" instead of "I don't watch porn" and that's all it takes. You're the man in Plato's cave. Blinded by the light of the sun. But even worse than that, you know what is right and what you have to do but you're willingly choosing not to do it because you're a coward.

And ironically enough, all of this applies to me too.

This might be the saddest shit I've read yet. Wasted.

It's not that I try to justify it. It's that a lot of people have an idealised perception of the world and how things work. In politics and war might is the only virtue.

Turkey was actually set for colonization right after WW1 and the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. This is a very proud moment for the Turkish People as they managed to defend their country on all fronts and secure its modern border. On one hand they achieve the "freedom" similar to what Natives aspired to. On the other hand they massacred the Greeks, Armenians and others who lived in Anatolia in the process.

In another world, Turkey would have crumbled and been colonized by the Italians, Greeks, French and the British.

Right up until WW2 colonization and land grabs were seen as just and normal part of the human experience. It was only with the onset of the Cold War as well as the complexity of modern infrastructure, technology and economies that land borders became much harder to change and with it taboo to do. This is the only time in human history when that is the case and even today it's not universally agreed upon.

Wow that's a great scene. Portrays my point very well.

My personal association is the Median Dialogue.

During the Peloponnesian Wars, The Athenians offer the Melians an ultimatum: surrender and pay tribute to Athens, or be destroyed. The Melians argue that Melos is a neutral city and not the enemy of Athens, therefore there is no need to conquer them. The Athenians do not wish to waste time arguing over the morality of the situation, because in practice might makes right—or, in their own words, "the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must"

Unambitious loser circlejerk

Pretending as if those tribes were always there and didn't take that land from other tribes beforehand and that they were peaceful before the Colonists conquered the land is laughable.

USA, like any other country in the world, conquered territory for the simple reason that they were more powerful. That's how it works in reality.

You can definitely say that what happened to the Natives was wrong and that in an ideal world there was no need to punish them in such gruesome fashion, but the racism of the time manifested itself unfortunately.

Thanks for clarifying, admittedly both info's I have read a long time ago and the quick Google search confirmed it to me so I figured it's right. But thanks for correcting me.

Afaik this translation is wrong. The original Hebrew word is more akin to a companion iirc. Ironically enough, biologically, female sex is the one that evolved first

Us Balkans and Latinos are similar in many aspects and who knows, maybe your ancestors were Albanians lol

:dal-2: Mavericks

You just don't get it do you? The stats don't exist in a vacuum, players don't exist in a vacuum. Basketball is a 5vs5 game. Nobody said Doncic is better than Curry. I said it's stupid and unfair to compare them at this stage

:dal-2: Mavericks

Afaik Brunson wanted to sign an extension halfway during his last season with the Mavs, but the FO was not willing. Later during the season the Knicks started recruiting him and after the Playoffs it was clear he was a perfect fit to play with Luka but he had already made up his mind to play in NY by that time. Not that it was clear he'd be this good, but being a manager takes a bit of luck/gut feeling

:dal-2: Mavericks

Mavs fucked up the day Brunson left. He was on a perfect timeline with Luka and they had great chemistry together. Instead they scrapped for Kyrie and while we did get to the finals the timeline just doesn't match. After next year do we retain him?

:dal-2: Mavericks

Considering injuries to both players it's a much fairer comparison. But a stat doesn't say that does it? Maybe play organized basketball and also use the eye test instead of mindlessly reading off stats

:dal-2: Mavericks

2016 Finals Steph Curry Game 1 - 11/5/6 Game 2 - 18/9/4 Game 3 - 19/1/3 Game 4 - 38/5/6 Game 5 - 25/7/4 Game 6 - 30/2/1 Game 7 - 17/5/2

While being targeted on defense by every Cavs player who had him on him. Also shot 40fg%. You can do this for any player.

:dal-2: Mavericks

Don't put words in my mouth. Kyrie being injured completely changes how Warriors approach the matchup and it shows in 2016. In 2015 that very well could have changed the dynamic of the series. Curry was great in those Finals nothing bad to say about him. But that's like if Jaylen Brown getting injured in game 2, completely changes the dynamics of the series and players know it too.

:dal-2: Mavericks

I'm all for Curry support I just don't understand why you compare them. Their first Finals are completely different circumstances. And it's not like Doncic played badly Mavs are just outmatched vs Boston

I am from the Balkans and I instantly thought you were Albania hahahha thats so weird

:dal-2: Mavericks

Kyrie didn't play in those Finals. And not that it matters but Doncic was pretty banged up this Playoff run, similar to Curry in 2016 when he didn't play up to his standards. Idk why even compare 2 players now. Doncic is only starting out. Imagine comparing Curry to Magic in 2014

Daring today, are we?

But if you are going to do it, make a cool spin on it, like a galactic British Imperial dominion or something