Wow. This thread brought all the fucking ignorant, been dead antivaxxers out of the woodwork.

You dipshits can all go fuck yourselves.

Oh, so because you don't know anyone who died it must mean the 1M+ deaths were fake right?

Fucking antivax loon.

Have you seen the Ogua in 76? That thing is definitely a giant mutated snapper.

Most of the civilized world is left leaning.

I shorted the Druid Grove :ZomboMeme_0187:

The 4 avatars were Jesus, Einstein, Socrates, and "Clinton's", so I guess Bill and Hillary are sharing avatar duty.

On the bright side, if you ever decide to make strangler heart armor at least you'll be able to put shocks on it.

The drop rate on those three is 0.08%, they're some of the rarest drops in the game.

That said, I haven't seen any trade hands in ages, so I have no idea what they're worth relative to a glowing mask. I just offered them up because they're some of the rarest things I have.

Lol. I forgot about those shirts, but yes, that's exactly what I want except in normal show or movie length.

Heck, do an anthology series like What If, but calm it "Meanwhile..." where each episode focuses on a different character and shows what happens on the periphery of major events through their eyes.

How about plans for ultracite calibrated shocks, emergency protocols, and targeting hud 3:1 for a glowing sbq mask?

If I'm close let me know and I can find something to add.

I shorted the Druid Grove :ZomboMeme_0187:

When the Sun shines upon Earth, 2 – major Time points are created on opposite sides of Earth – known as Midday and Midnight. Where the 2 major Time forces join, synergy creates 2 new minor Time points we recognize as Sunup and Sundown. The 4-equidistant time points can be considered as Time Square imprinted upon the circle of Earth. In a single rotation of the Earth sphere, each Time corner point rotates through the other 3-corner Time points, thus creating 16 corners, 96 hours and 4-simultaneous 24-hour Days within a single rotation of Earth – equated to a Higher Order of Life Time Cube.

Fair. I'm sure part of me would have found it weird, but teenage hormone brain probably would have suppressed those feelings.

Also, I'm significantly older than the average r/nba viewer. Right or wrong, shit was a lot different back in the 70s.

Did you notice that coexist was spelled using various guns? It's a "fuck you libtard" parody of the original.

I do wonder what he thinks it means though. Is it life "We can all get along regardless of the gun of your choice" or something?

Beardie looks pretty damn content as well.

It's clear he was groomed. Unfortunately he doesn't see it and probably never will.

Yeah, looking at it from an adult perspective it's clearly grooming/borderline pedo, but I know that when I was 15 my only thought would have been "fuck yeah, hot college girl booty!"

The venn diagram of people who own a steam deck and people who own a pc probably almost completely overlaps. Safe to assume there's a pc somewhere.

My MiL lives in a LTC facility for people who are still mostly independent. Their gathering room has a massive projector with an NES, N64, PS1, and a Wii. No modern consoles, but it makes sense that they'd have the ones the residents used 20-40 years ago when they were middle age.

I imagine they'll start upgrading as time goes on and people who used those consoles start moving into the complex.

Deaf black people were segregated just like those who could hear. It's understandable that they would develop their own slang just like those who could hear and speak "normally."

In 2020 he blew all the other candidates out of the water after the first few primaries and everyone else dropped out.

This year there was almost no competition in the primaries. Hell, no one bothered to run against him in my state so there wasn't even an option other than "uncommitted" on my ballot.