Packing Water

Anyone have a suggestion for packing water in large amounts? Currently I carry a 1/2 gallon of water for my dog walks, but when I walk multiple big dogs this doesn’t last long. With temps getting warmer, I don’t want to risk running out of water but I also need to be able to carry it in my backpack.

Any suggestions for other kinds of tree branches to use? I don’t have willow or wisteria where I live. Mostly conifers around here.

Do you know if Picaridin is also toxic to cats? It works really well for me!

I never thought I could be a SAHM. I went back to work when my baby was 4 months old. I had some shorts stints staying home but I always craved working and having my own income, so I did. A lot of the time I worked two jobs when I didn’t need to just because I liked to work. But 4 years ago we moved and my mental health was in shambles and I was having a hard time with it all plus work, so I stopped working (we’re financially stable enough to live on one income) and now I love it. Don’t get me wrong, THIS job of staying home is the hardest job I have ever had! You literally don’t get time off, there is always something waiting to be done, and sometimes it feels like no one else does anything around here lol. But I wouldn’t change it unless I absolutely had to. My son also has multiple learning disorders and is on the autism spectrum, so being able to be available for everything he needs is the best.

Based on this post and reading through your comments, it sounds like you need to do some research on fasting and healthy weight loss. More so just sounds like you’re trying to lose weight as quickly as possible aka “crash diet” which is not sustainable. I’m not judging, I’m also a small female and people like to tell me I’m “too skinny” when I’m at what I consider to be my perfect weight. But I also focus more on health vs weight, and I would much rather have a higher number on the scale with muscles than have a lower number on the scale and be skinny-fat.

Was thinking about this just today. My dobie is 10 months old and he is already humping every dog 🤦🏼‍♀️ anyone have suggestions for correcting this behavior? Just today he was trying to mount my friends male border collie so the border collie snapped at him. Thought he would get the hint but he still wanted to try to mount him! I had to physically move him away from the other dog. And he is obsessed with females. Like will not leave them alone unless I leash him and make him stay with me. He’s good with other dogs other than this part, so I really want to figure this out without neutering him if possible because the research is kinda scary!

Omg this is so sad! I hate people.

I’m a stay at home mom and part time yoga teacher. My yoga business doesn’t bring in much income, if any, and after casually pet sitting here and there I decided to offer walking and sitting. I’m a month into it and actually made good money over the month of June. I have two regular walking clients, one who I walk twice a week and the other 3 times a week. They do overlap sometimes so I just make sure I have a 30 minute buffer in between walks. I also have a drop in on Fridays when their owners work long days so my Friday is the busiest; I do one walk at 10am, drop in at noon, and the other walk at 1pm. Most other days I just have one walk but have another potential regular client I’m meeting on Friday. Idk what your work schedule is like but if you can fit in walks around it then I say go for it, you can always take a step back if you start getting burnt out. Pet sitting is more demanding since it’s multiple times per day, but I’m also not able to stay at their house so I have to drive back and forth.

I am also a huge fan of sparkling water, however you should switch to the non-flavored ones. The ones that are flavored have calories and usually a small amount of sugar, which is going to trigger an insulin response in your body (even artificial sweeteners will do this), so even in your fasting window you’re not technically fasting if you are triggering an insulin response.

Yes! It does amazing things for our mental health. Physical activity + vitamin d 🖤

That’s awesome! The name fits this dog so well. We adopted him when he was 9 months old and his name was “Little Fella” 😆 which he didn’t know so it was easy to change his name.

I worked in vet med prior to this so I was already pretty used to it. But yeah, people literally don’t train their dogs, it’s very frustrating. Idk if they think dogs just figure it out on their own or what the deal is, but I can’t imagine letting my dog act like some of these pets. And EVERYONE wants a German shepherd (at least where I live) and then don’t socialize or train them so they’re aggressive. I have come to hate the breed due to a lack of training.

Where I live we haven’t gotten super hot yet. So I’ve been in shorts and tanks, or leggings and tanks. But next week is supposed to be up in the high 80’s and 90’s so I may have a different attire then. I am super self conscious though so I will probably keep a tank on or at least a crop top until I’m out with the dogs, then I’m good to take my shirt off and do the walk in a sports bra.

Maybe just keep a tank in your car in case they’re home, then you can throw it on real quick if need be.

Keep active, even if just for 15 minutes every day, just do something to get your heart rate up whether it be walking, dancing, playing with the dog, shooting hoops, etc. Anything to get your heart rate up for 15 minutes, obviously longer is better but it will make a big difference. I love that your dad is motivating you by wanting to also be healthier!

We call him crazy train lol. He’s such a spaz!

In my opinion, yes you are TAH. Your husband has been without a mom for this long, obviously has “mommy issues”, and you’re not being supportive at all. I understand how hard it is to take care of a baby one your own, my husband worked out of town for the first 5 years of our sons life, it fucking sucks. But his mom showed up in his life and now you’re trying to make him choose between you and his mom he’s been without. Regardless if she’s toxic or not, he won’t accept that unless it’s on his own terms.

Might get diarrhea, but otherwise don’t get worked up over it. It won’t kill him!

We have a kiddie pool for our dogs and our Boston gets overheated very easily, so he goes straight to the pool and lays down in the water lol. Smart dogs!