Lmao they are the ones that raised you and you turned out "just fine"

So fine, that you think you know better than the people that raised you enough to get you to your 30s

This was a hilarious post to read first thing

I've not heard it labeled but I've at places when people were unfireable

Lmao oh shit man. Business Admin you'd have all the jobs and they pay pretty well too. Like, really well, with retirement

I also heard/knew that communications degrees don't get jobs unless it's actual communications like laying fiber optics or satellite linking or specifically for TV broadcast work or whatever

They don't wipe right, to the point where they think they need to full-on use soap and water after every poop

Lmao I bet someone is like, sunscreen is racist!

It even says on the directions to rub it in

Keep up the good fight. My mom would flip out if she smelled my brother or me and so we showered. It was just easier that way.

I hit body odor level of puberty literally overnight and I went to school as the stinky kid for a day or two. Luckily, I knew how to take care of it and my mom bought me deodorant. I then showered AND used deodorant.

I eventually got a wife and now have 2 kids. The cycle continues because I used soap and water on my stinky parts.

Welcome to my generic-ass TED talk. True story though

Being in the same household as an activist

There's no "we" in this morose nonsense.

You. You are the one that feels this way

The stuff from the 90s is getting remade because it was actually good.

It's being remade for younger audiences. In some ways it's trickery because they just think it's a catchy new song but in reality it's 30 years old.

Physically I'm stronger than I've ever been because I exercise.

Definitely closer to death but so is everybody else every day they wake up.

Give yer balls a tug

Keep tapping your briefcase 7 times and stomp your left foot twice before you turn the already turned on light switch on.

He'll get the message

I reported them for being late and not doing their jobs when they were there

Papa Murphys dairy free cheese is bomb

Trial and error until you get some doctor confirmation.

I can't even have a tiny trace of dairy. No butter no cheese no nothing.

Crippling vomiting.

This is a generational thing.

I actually got a business to close from within by refusing to do the jobs that the other all in their 20s employees refused to do. (It was stickering products with barcodes)

On Monday when the management came in, they saw all the unfinished and unstarted work, it caused a stream of write ups.

I left and then there was no one to pick up the slack. They made other internal choices based on that style of work ethic and they legit closed down over due dates on licenses.

Yes and a criminal. If they find out its you, you will go to jail

I complained that employees weren't on time and were stealing. This made those employees feel bad to be around me. I was declared toxic and fired.

Have you seen the rules on "new" card games? It's ridiculous and not fun.

Stick with Rummy or Euchre and you're good