Here is the best I can do.
It's clearly much smaller and has a flower crown on. The Goblin & Ghoul brand seems to only make miniature statues too, so this may be a copy of their design.

Bone Hoarder

The rough oval appears to beray skin, but not sure why it's there.

My personal opinion of a "brittle" specimen is much harsher than most other people because I make wearable bone art. I have a plier squeeze test for bones going into my art, haha.
If they do have weaker spots after processing, they should still be fine for handling and light wear. It really depends on what you want to do with them. Also, sometimes these funky looking bones surprise you and they come out strong and perfect.

In my experience (please correct me if I'm wrong, bone masters) the weaker areas and color change are a result of the decomposition process. The color is a bacterial bloom. These areas are still full of 'grease', or have been degraded by time and elements, or the microbes involved in maceration. You can't really undo decomposition, but there are tricks to stabilize them.

I wouldn't blast them with 12% peroxide, that's likely to just whiten the bones without removing remaining grease and possibly degrade them further. They should be fine in a 6% soak in a cool room, or a longer 3% OTC grade first aid peroxide. The 3% is more gentle, but sometimes long long long soaks can degrade the bone as well. If you check on them daily and make sure the soak doesn't get rancid you should be fine.

You didn't ruin them, but they might be tricky.
I recommend a few hot water (tap hot, not boiling) and a squirt of blue dawn soaks before the peroxide. You can just let them chill in the dish soap water, no rush. Make sure to rinse them well before peroxide.

The red does make them look like they've been cooked. If you didn't clean these yourself, I'd be prodding who you got them from about the possibility.
I've also seen similar red in bones I've cleaned that I know haven't been cooked or heated. I can get the color out, but they tend to be brittle.

I sang this to my dog while he was dying.
I sing it to friends and family while they're on their way out, if I'm lucky enough to speak to them.
It's the saddest, loving, song.

Like Pet Sematary style?

Are diagnosed with adrenal insufficiency?
Do you have an endocrinologist?
If you do, ask them. It's a real bad idea to mess around with your HPA axis if your body can't normally regulate your cortisol.
Like I said -

Don't mess around with OTC adrenal supplements. While my current endocrinologist sucks, she mentioned most of her secondary adrenal insufficiency patients caused it By Accident through self medication with supplements.

What an awful experience. Glad you're safe. I really hope this doesn't totally put you off your giving nature.
This person took your offer, and then changed their mind, and smashed your ride. That's messed up.
Also, how hard did they throw that water bottle!!
There's a lot more going on here than someone just wanting some cash. Possibly mental illness or severe withdrawals.
I haven't had my windshield smashed during one of these scenarios, but some memorable highlights are being slapped with a pizza box, and a guy with a slipper he turned into a hand puppet spitting candy in my face.

As a lot of people have mentioned, this is not the typical experience. You can do a lot of good by giving. MREs are pretty rough, but I've been in the place of asking for change or a meal, and it would have changed my day.

I'm in a more secure place now, I'm giving instead of asking, but I still don't insinuate I might have change or cash in any stop light transaction (unless it's a homebum I'm familiar with). I offer loose cigarettes. Cigarettes are currency, even if you or the spanger don't smoke.
They're also too light to smash any glass if they throw them back at you.

I'm with you. I've been on almost all sides of that coin. Giving to people who are happy, food and shit thrown at me for giving wrong, and asking for spange to feed myself.
If you're hurting for a fix or going through withdrawal, just say it. Don't waste a sandwich I would have gladly eaten because I took you at your word. That just screws everyone. And now neither of us are welcome back in the Wawa.

I would like to write a book titled "Fuck Gabapentin and Fuck Every Dr Who Considers it Neurology Tylenol".

It's a working title.

What are your other migraine meds? I'm not familiar with this is a CGRP side effect, but that doesn't meant it's not a side effect you're experiencing.
I am Very familiar with this with old school antidepressants used as migraine preventatives like nortryptaline, amitryptaline, lyrica, pregabalin, etc etc etc.
Also, you should probably reiterate how concerning this change in your thinking is to your neuro. It seems very irresponsible for them to hear you say you are having surprise ideations, DAILY, and not address it.

This works pretty well. My sibling and their partner had a habit of cooling down after tense day by being mad at their neighbors, Screamy and Yelly, and their 2 adult sons who would hit each other with pool noodles in the lawn for hours, Beavis and Butthead.

Find a series to watch that you both hate.
Not are bored by it, but you're actively mad at the characters or premise.
Riff on the show. Get real mad at these screen people. Rage together in mutual frothy disgust. Bond.
Not the news. Not real stuff that feeds into the depression/stress loop. Something really really stupid like reality TV or a genre you both dislike.
Extra stupid, and not in anyway involved in your day to day life or government, is key.
State beforehand that you are watching this because it's awful.

Also, find a mediator or a counselor for the bigger stuff. It's worth the time.

Yikes, you've really been going through it. I'm sorry you're suffering so much.
It sounds like you have a very complex case with multiple physical and neurological issues. That's a very unfair knot to try and untangle while your feel so terrible.
It's good you have all of these DXs on record tho. It's a journal of professional opinions. Like a not crazy merit badge.
I'm surprised after all of this they didn't just slap you with a botox protocol already. There is a wait time for it to become effective, and my neuro tells me each session builds on itself to (hopefully) fuller resolution. It's also not totally permanent. Not like peeling your forehead down for a migraine surgery.

Do you have any more sources or details on the migraine surgeries? The link provided gives a very vague outline of what they may be, but doesn't describe the reasoning, intended outcome, risks, etc.

We really do get used to some extremes and it's exhausting.
I'm so burned out from years of pushing through the off the charts hallucinating migraines. I'm grateful I'm getting more days of the "gentle" ones that are only dizziness, nausea, extreme fatigue and the brain fog, they would have seemed like a gift previously, but I can't push myself through them like I could with the screaming pukers. I'm just so tired.

Are you in a place where it is possible to have an outside kitchen for the hot months? I have friends living in very old homes who do a whole outside set up because of the heat. Nothing fancy, just in a location where people are less likely to steal the stove and pans.

Oh. Oh my. There is a lot happening here.
I also understand that you want a basic summary, but this is a whole course and learning to interact with another sentiment being. It cannot be summarized in a post, and there is no timeline.
Also, it based on the information, it does not seem that your dog is reactive as much as they are untrained and bored.
This sub is super helpful down to the minutae of what kind of sound-scapes will help your anxious dog.
So let's start with some basics--

Is this your first dog?
How old is your dog? Do you know their background? Can you keep your dog and cats separate? It's only been 4 weeks. The dog barely knows you.

Also, "touch" and other commands are important, but if the dog has no other way to relieve themselves outside of walks or in the house, getting them comfortable in a harness and/or on a leash Much more important. Start rewarding for seeing the harness, putting it on, and having it on. More rewards for extended periods. Big pay out letting you put it on in the early stages. Harness/collar must = awesome treat and positive.

As many have said, this is a reactive man problem. I may have yelled and lunged at him myself if he just bolted at me out of nowhere. And then to follow you and berate you? Dude needs to see a behaviorist.
If my previous not reactive dogs didn't see this person's behavior as a threat, I would be concerned.

I'm really sorry this happened to you and your dog. I hope it's not a set back for, primarily, your working with your dog. Kinda like.. Showing that it was weird but we'll keeping going on walks that will be rewarding. If this dude keeps coming at you tho, you may need to call in a higher authority. But keep on training. Avoid the person, stay safe, but don't let this be the end to your work. People will likely disagree with me; but as long as the dog is under threshold, I have noticed that they remember an event more vividly if you drastically alter the daily routine due to it.
Crazy dude chased you. Avoid that. Keep doing your routine as best you can while avoiding that. Demonstrate it's a non-issue.

I lost a lot of ground when some nutter neighbor did something similar to me and my dog.
My dog goes no-bones when faced with his triggers without the protection of a fence or closed window.
He's scared of cars and noisy things on wheels. It makes taking a walk around the neighborhood really difficult, but were really in a progress stride. He was cool with parked cars, and quiet cars passing him, people going in and out of cars, super progress. However, for some reason he gets really freaked out when someone is screaming at him, behaving erratically and slamming things. Such a mystery.

One fun story - Neighbor, who has a history of being a maniac, started his car as we were walking. I took my dog to the side of the road and did the whole dance of click-treat-distract. Everything was going great until neighbor got out of the car and started screaming at me to get my dog of his lawn (wasn't on it, it was the next door lawn, but whatever).
I just said "okay" and tried to peel my dog off the grass. He starts screaming more and slamming his fist on the back of his car.
I kept calmly telling him "okay, I'm working on it" Ya know, calm and stable presence for the dog. It just made the neighbor frothing. The yelling and name calling from him got so intense his parter in the car started crying and begging him to stop. I managed to unglue my dog and carry him to the other side of the street. Duder sped past us. He squealed wheels at the stop sign, whipped around, and tried and hit me, my dog, and my roomie. He was aiming for the dog, but my roomie stood ground while I pulled the dog back. He clipped her and sped off. To make everything more ridiculous, she was going through chemo. It was visually obvious, bald and all, and walking with a cane. Wanted to report him, but according to other neighbors he is responsible for poisoning other neighborhood pets that cross him. Allegedly. Among other things. Not allegedly. Even the LEO I talked to advised me to weigh the options.

Sorry, long story, the point is I stopped taking the dog on as many walks as he needs because it was so bizarre and upsetting. This dude still stalks to lawn and tells me my dog better not shit on it even if it's just me walking by. My dog fell waaaaaay back on his confidence around cars in any setting because this incident was the treated differently.
To my dog, it was a confirmation of all his anxiety. And then I accidentally reinforced it.

Your dog reacted appropriately to an actual threat - someone approaching unpredictability and aggressively! Wtf did he think would happen even with a zen dog?
Please don't let this stop your work with your dog, and stay safe.

Truck stuff! It's my daily too. I've got an 02 access cab.
Hauling tools and wood, driving all my business equipment to events, hauling my camper and kayak, slugging through mud and snow, and the bed with cap makes a nice tiny house.

Bone Hoarder

I don't believe so. The back side of the green board doesn't have the scorch marks, and all contacts seem in place. Also, further examination of the piece I thought hit me shows a clean cut from my metal shears, not a burst.
The metal piece in question is either unrelated to whatever flew off the fan, or was somehow stuck to it. (it was stored away from from the bench and not in a place where it could get shrapnel)
Thanks for walking me through this.
Likely solved! Until I find what hit me in the face

Bone Hoarder

You're quite the detective, u/mitch_skool
The fan blades were not attached during the heating, and only put back on after being scrubbed. But, I'm baffled. This sounds the most likely.

Can you tell me if something is missing from the front of the green board where the scorch marks are?

Bone Hoarder

This just gets more and more negligent on my behalf the more I describe it! The only thing I'm sure of if that this fan didn't have access to the pop rivet and isn't strong enough to throw it at me.

Bone Hoarder

A gentle pop noise. I wasn't looking at the fan when it happened, but what hit my face was hot. Smoke is hard to determine because it's a fan and was running. It did not have the usual smell of "Oops I blew it up" electronics.
However, I did do something stupid where I put the motor in front of a heater for 2 minutes to makes the 3-in-one oil more viscous. The pop happened after that (away from heater with enough time that the metal should have been cool, like 5 minutes post heating) while letting the motor grease up.