Physical fitness recommended

Hi all,

Me (20m) and a friend (21f) are planning on thru-hiking the trail this June-July. We know this isn't an ideal time bug wise, but as college students our options are limited. As Boston natives, we're both experienced walking 10ish miles a day, however that's on bricks, not hills and mountains.

Since we can only really train in Boston, we've been doing our best by training with incline treadmills and stairmasters. Is only training at the gym feasible, and if so is there a certain point/milestone that we might be "ready," or are we screwed from the start since we can't train on actual trails?

Quaker (Progressive)

Armbands don't have a good historical significance

Does this violate patient psychiatric rights?Medicine and Malpractice

A bit over a year ago I was admitted to a psychiatric inpatient hospital for 5 days. This was to take me off of a medication quickly which required that I was under supervision. I WASN'T ADMITTED FOR SERIOUS MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES. This hospital required that the visits with the on-sight psychiatrist had another staff member join (I'm not sure if this is common). During my session with the psychiatrist, it was only us two. No other staff was in the room. I didn't know this wasn't supposed to happen at the time. She asked how I was feeling and I said something along the lines of being stable but of course not being ecstatic since I'm in the hospital but overall I'm okay. She told me to look her in the eyes and said, "you know what I think? I think you are full of bullshit. You are clearly lying to me. Until you are honest you can stay here." I know the wording is weird but English wasn't her first language. She was extremely angry and shouted this. She continued telling me how until I admit I'm suicidal she won't let me discharge. I told her I get out in five days once the medication is out of my system. She told me that that's not what going to happen and that "you'll stay here for 6 months if that's what it takes." I don't fully understand psychiatry laws but something has to be not allowed here? I should stress that I wasn't suicidal. My mental health wasn't ideal but it wasn't even close to contemplation or anything. I was just being taken off my medication quickly because my mental health team thought it was making it worse. It wasn't an emergency but they decided to rush it hence the hospitalization. I was discharged the day that I was supposed to but we had to do it AMA because she refused to support it. A lot of the staff seemed to gossip about what might have happened when I asked to make an appointment with the hospital's human rights counselor which didn't follow through. A few staff members talked to me and asked if I was okay and really just seemed curious. There was a clear sense that they all knew that she did something though and that I wasn't just being upset with her. It feels like this has happened before.

This situation honestly just screwed me up. I've had nightmares about every other night over this and still have flashbacks. I have PTSD already from another event and this feels practically identical. I really don't know what legal grounds I have or if I really want to pursue legal action. I'm just trying to see where I stand. If this is matters legally, I was a minor and this was in Massachusetts.

6 months clean if self harm!

I know this is a popular kind of post but I’m definitely proud. Who knew your life could turn around so much in 6 months. It gets better. It gets better when you stop living for other people and recognizing who’s opinions matter and where you should put your attention.❤️

Legal complication of conjoined twins

Theoretically, what would happen if one of a conjoined twin is found responsible for murder and requires punishment like the death penalty or jail when the other is considered innocent and deserves no punishment?

Is there a legal standing to get my step-dad removed from the house?Custody Divorce and Family

I, M16, and my Mom need my stepdad removed from our house. She are filing for divorce within the next few days and neither of us feel safe with him on the property. My stepdad is aware of the divorce, and he somewhat supports it, he is VERY unpredictable. He has a history of threats towards me and my Mother, punching holes in walls, and punching next to my Mother’s head. Our one concern is that he owns 1/3 of the house. Also he has two stepdaughters who are willing to lie to the police to protect him. I don’t know enough about the legalities of it all so I would live some feedback.
