dirty civilian

Didn't Trump invite them to Camp David?

I do at high end independent coffee shops but not at chains.

I don't buy cider or coolers so can't speak on that, but their wine is fine for casual drinking at home.

Civilization, Souls, Crusader Kings, Persona.

I wouldn't call the conservative party of Canada "far right". In some ways they're left of Democrats in America.

Yonge and Eglinton

If I'm reading this correctly it's only for home blueboxes, not recycling bins on the street that are part of the garbage cans.

Wouldn't surprise me. If it's a wake up call for the Liberal party it might be a good thing, in the long run.

That was another factor barely mentioned, the Liberals airdropped in a overly polished candidate from Ottawa who had no connection to the area. Meanwhile the Cons ran a local resident who lives here with his family and is former military. He ran social events in parks for months, talking to people over ice cream and wearing a Canada hockey jersey while saying he was going to fight crime (a rising local concern). The Liberal candidate basically said "I love Trudeau and his policies!" at a time when my neighbourhood Facebook groups were all growing angry at Trudeau. And I say this as someone who votes Liberal or NDP.

It was certainly a loss for the Liberals and looks bad on paper but this neighbourhood is far, FAR more mixed politically than the media would like us to believe.

Last I heard Ontario was stopping but the Federal agency was trying to pick up the slack and increase testing in Ontario.

I live in St Pauls and even I'm starting to think this recent by-election was overblown.

Is it true that the liberals have held St Paul's since 1997 at the Federal level? Yes. But what's not being talked about is that it was held for them for that long by ONE PERSON - Carolyn Bennett. The riding loves her. The moment she retired they switched parties. Also this is the same riding that elected an NDP at the provincial level twice since 2018. St Paul's isn't Liberal, it just loved Bennett.

I've noticed a lot more masks in general, in grocery stores, walking down the street, ttc. I support the use of masks and I've worn them longer than most but I'm not sure what's set off this recent surge in their use. The wastewater levels in Ontario / Toronto are low and stable (see below) so I wonder if social media has caused the trend.

Given she lost her law license, she shouldn’t be in that career either.

Civ 6, Crusader Kings, anything with replay-ability.

My wife and I lived on less than that for over 10 years in the beaches area, so I agree.

Ahh, my bad. And I agree, every single generation since the 1960s at least has had to deal with roommates in their 20s, this isn't a new concept.