Picture of food plus note saying "What your leader is keeping from you. Everyone else on earth has access to all the food in this entire picture for just a days wages"

Can't afford a house, Can't afford a women, can't even afford a pet, and now your telling me I can't even afford a guy either. Life sucks.

Especially since >5% of men are single. (a quick google seems to suggest somewhere between 15% and 60%, depending on age group, study, etc)

And how does Biden doing a bad thing matter?

Lock em up. Lock em ALL UP. You don't get to 'whataboutism' outta crimes. We don't let rapist go free because someone else murdered people 'and whatabout them!'

if 'what about other guy who obeyed the requests to return them the first time and didn't break the law by refusing to return them until raided by the FBI!' is your best defense, you are seriously lacking in functioning ethics and morals.

And id hope Biden gets charged as well if he didn't return all the documents when asked.

There’s 0 evidence besides your hopes and dreams,

And several boxes of top secret documents recovered from mar-a-lago, many with empty folders whose contents is still missing, stolen by a man whose just been convicted of 34 felonies and has about 60+ more pending trial, whose own lawyer said it was a glorious day for the rule of law when trump was convicted.

How someone that dumb and transparently corrupt could fool anyone is amazing. He literally just asked for a billion dollar bribe from the oil industry to ban EV cars and roll back green energy. I guess selling canned beans from the oval office desk and 4,000 xanax from the oval office pharmacy didn't bring in enough money.

"cooler about giving them back" is a weird way to say: "Was only asked once, didn't require asking multiple times and lied about them, lawyer didn't lie about returning them all, didn't need to be raided by the FBI and found to be hoarding multiple entire boxes of them, including 'nuclear secrets' that can't even be declassified by the president."

then explain to me, why the hell did he have boxes of them? What possible other reason could anyone have to take a ton of top secret documents from the US government, and store them at an unsecured location? One where he often meets people from other countries, who mysteriously rent his properties that nobody lives in, for millions of dollars per year?

If it was 1 game, yes absolutely.

When its 3 outta 4 randomly chosen games... its the GPU/drivers.

Hes NOT the president. Just a regular old man now. a regular, very old, very corrupt, very smelly old man.

How about ex-presidents? Hes not a president and I hope to god he never becomes one again.

Sold top secret documents, some marked 'nuclear secrets' to foreign (middle east) governments. Yea, hes 100% a threat to world security.

Is there a lineup to piss on the trump sign?

How about the beer vendor, how much does the beer vendor at the trump sign cost? if both are cheap enough I might just start doing laps between the two.

quite awhile ago.. Also bought a top of the line AMD card a few years ago.

It hard locked the PC in every DX11 game (but not dx9 games) for a YEAR after I got it, every 30 minutes. I had to get forums of people to bitch at AMD to release a fix. Was apparently some conflict with my motherboard chipset. when I initially reported it they claimed they had 'received no other valid complains recently' even though there was literally multiple 1000 page topics on multiple games complaining about it. (Generally those games that had DX9/DX11 renderer options or upgraded, everyone was blaming the devs, except literally not one DX11 game ran on my system)

And then the card finally just died one day. Bought a nvidia and never looked back. So nice having 0RPM GPU fan at desktop and while watching youtube/etc.

Try buying AMD video cards.

Last one I owned, I needed 3 different driver versions to play 4 different games. Any driver version except the EXACT ONE stated in the readme file for the game had massive graphical corruption rendering the game nearly unplayable. (I believe the 4th game would run ok on 2 outta the 3 driver versions)

If you do, consider leaving it in different places without a bowl, He'll smell it out and find it, fostering his natural food finding skills, instead of thinking "cat bowl = FOOD! keep coming back to same place, no need to search"

You don't want him thinking humans = easy source of food, that is what gets wild animals in trouble when they assume all humans are easy sources of food.

... Why on earth would anyone buy a fox.. especially without asking.

"Hey honey, I bought us a non domesticated animal to take care of!!"

"This... isn't working out..."

Knowing ISP's? They have already given out huge bonuses to the CEO's for the billions in profit they are going to make off it.

Also, 3,000 people will be laid off if said profits don't appear.

To expand on this even further, such steam can actually ignite things it comes into contact by heating them above the ignition point.

Yes, you can set things on fire with 'hot water' if its hot enough.

Please don't disgrace the noble rat by equating him to putin.

After all, a rat once bit putin. That is the noblest thing an animal can do. *

*Ok maybe its tied with the bald eagle that attacked Trump.

Iv seen a full length 2 hour movie as an ad.

I was wondering why my music turned to boring talking.

Naturally, there was no way for me to fast forward or rewind the movie/ad, nor was there any way for me to tell what the name of the movie was if I was interested in it... It was just ANNOYING AS SHIT.

Yep, in more 'functional' economies, a single dollar will go around 10 times before being siphoned off by the rich. (ie, buying something that's profit is used to pay for labor that the laborers use to buy something, repeat)

In Russia, its lucky to go around twice.

I can get 1,250 miles in my gas-only pickup truck without refilling.

I just need to put a 60 gallon drum of gasoline in the bed.