really does it matter ? how many and how old any and all the people he's raped and assaulted and swindled he's already been convicted of in the civil case and a felon snopes can call that b.s. but he is still a criminal fuck

no brassicas ? even the more heat loving ones? seems like you need some leafy greens chard, beets ?

YES to all you say but is that not the definition of decency ?

i will have an orgasm to this later, and if it actually happens multiple orgasms

this is a world wide fight for decency- if the democrats fail the world is fucked

I read this wrong - I thought you'd shit on your hand then shake hands. -then I thought, anyone who can shake his hand could give him the shit hand

the originals are archived in the basement anyway -so doesn't matter

i think many of us feel -we are here now, can make our lives better by being kinder in the here and now .

I hope, what they are up too is protecting us- the way the rest of "our" government seems to be failing at now.