Pee. He’s an old man and I don’t wanna end up pissing myself cause of his weak bladder.

As opposed to voting for the traitor with dementia

I’m done with this timeline. Gonna go walk into the sea. 🌊 👋

Yeppp. Unfortunately a sizable population of people don’t want America to exist how it currently is. They want the New Christian States of America. The destruction of democracy is a feature not a bug and is exactly what they’re intending with BS like this.

And certain kinds of people are more likely to commit certain atrocities than others 🤷‍♀️

The fact that their mom’s death is on camera is even more horrible. Imagine knowing that video exists out there. Hell, even bullies in school could send it to her just to be a f*ck.

So did I. Doesn’t help the people who didn’t and they matter just as much as I do.

Kinda hard when the person who wants the Oval Office wants to make people like me literally illegal but okay

When it starts happening, it’s already to late. It’s why we need to take their threats seriously and stamp that shit out before it starts. Disbelieving or underestimating your ‘enemy’ is the first step towards losing and in this case losing means the end of democracy itself.

If you support funding Bibles in schools, but not free lunches for hungry kids, you can’t call yourself a Christian.

But having a rainbow flag in schools is indoctrination and grooming. Okay…

Literally 92% of the population which is why it’s so shocking the former president is one

Well, guess I may be changing my performance date as Eddie isn’t gonna be there. Normally don’t mind seeing the understudies but the person I’m going with looooooves him so that’s not an option here lol.

I swear, the wheels could pop off when driving and Elon fans would still defend this poor excuse of a truck.

Conservatives should just be called regressives at this point cause all they’re trying to do is send this country backwards in time.

Any shade between blue and green like aqua/teal/mint

Read ‘A Man’s Search for Meaning.’ Was written by a holocaust survivor and its entire message is finding hope and meaning when there seemingly is none. Sometimes you have to find the things that make life worth living for you even if they’re not typical or obvious.

That kind of person will never take accountability for their actions. Even if a kid did die, it would be the kids fault, or the parents fault, or someone else’s fault. Hell, his own kid could die of heat stroke and I doubt he’d even have sense enough to realize he caused their death.

One positive thing about these people being so vocally stupid is you know to avoid them.

Yeah, it’s not the people getting tattoos of a political leader or a poorly drawn gun who are lame, just the ones pointing out how cringe it is.

Same Dude probably thinks the Covid vaccine is poison. If he doesn’t, I’m sure some of his followers sure do.

“Blue lives“ matter more to some of these people than their own children