Can anyone tell me the lowest price for Laneige Cica face mask?

Put this on Twitter. Ban that shop and shopkeepers. How disgusting, ew! That's it, won't be eating at any Mio Amore other than the one near my home. To think I have eaten at Mio amore in both Howrah & Sealdah. 🤢🤮

Buyer should have made an unboxing video. That's her stupidness to not make one. You can't compare Meesho, an established company with anonymous seller on reddit. In the former case, you can sue the company on grounds of fraud, but in the latter case the onus lies also on the seller to make a boxing video to insure against any accusations of fraud.

Idk what's up with some people who can't take criticism and end up straight up blocking me. Both AE & Sad actuary has blocked me, and I don't think I have had an argument with anyone here to warrant that.

Like I said, neither parties have evidence to prove their innocence. Let them handle like adults. The most you can likely do as a mod is to ban them from the sub to maintain sanctity, which you have done.

Doxxing someone blatantly and blaming everyone is a part of a cult? uncool.

Thank you for this. This is where buyer was nuts, mindlessly calling cults. You could made this point earlier.

Since sad acturay has blocked me.

Here's my reply

The mods have provided proof man.

No they haven't. Proof would be e wrapping video by the seller & unboxing video by the buyer. I'm not AE's friend, and neither of FH's. I'm definitely not participating in this madness of bullying someone (especially someone who claimed to be preggo). Let me revert it to you, what's wrong with you? Where's the proof other than BS insta exchanges? I have enough respect for you from the little convo we had in DMs wrt thrifting clothes.

I can read, and can see the passive aggressive tone towards the buyer. Two random people throwing mud at each other and what am I supposed to do? Pick a side which is heavy? No, not. I'm not and won't ever participate in any witch hunt.

Let both of them solve their issues like adults. You & I are mere spectators.

FH has been banned, she won't be able to present her case. Done & dusted. Why are you mindlessly supporting the seller? You know her IRL? That'd make real good sense.

Bhai, you're acting the same it's done to "all about minimalism". There's a witch hunt to bully the seller, who later was proved innocent and the culprits were banned by mods. As a long standing member, I think I have gained enough prudence to understand how bullying affects you mentally. Let AE & FH handle their fued on their own. Neither you nor I know them in person to comment in this situation.

How will I know what went behind the scenes? As a social media sleuth, I'm making notes of possible evidences that can prove innocence of both parties.

Doxxing has been done by both, not one party. Both are eligible to get their account suspended.

Bro, calm down. You're acting psycho. I'm not picking any side. I'm stating facts from a neutral pov. I'm not jumping on the bandwagon of hate mindlessly.

I can't comment/pick a side, since haven't interacted with either. However, if both are truthful, where did the products go, is the question? I'm sure the shipping logistics have record of the parcel weight, that'd make things clear.

FH's post has been locked by mods. In either case, damage has been done by both the parties.

Edit: the damage is brutal for FH since her insta id has been shared and face can be seen partially.

I don't know either of the two party. However, AE has also doxxed FH, which is why you know her initials. Both the parties have flouted reddit's rule.

There are none, especially for reequil sunscreen. If you don't double cleanse, you fuck up big time.

Just buy a micellar water, removed my reequil sunscreen magically.

Can you share SS in DM? She has likely blocked me.

Wannbe British Royal Family. Harry & Meghan's wedding were aired live, too.

Emerald doesn't go well with these type of clothing. She looks desperate to show off her wealth.