
It seems he meant that it's been building up for decades and one election won't stop it. Not that it's decades away from happening.

The card is good enough to see Pioneer play as a 1 or 2 of in some lists of Phoenix. To make the card good you have to be very good at filling up the graveyard in a hurry.


I still find MSNBC pretty good, most of the time they are making good points and they seem to still side with democrats most of the time. Crap, they recently had a piece on Project 2025 when most other networks are acting like this thing doesn't exist.

We are getting very close to where you have to go to joke news shows, or Youtube though to get away from the right wing bullshit.

A fandom is not a monolith, what you experience does not mean everyone is like that. Shit Reddit is only a small portion of any fanbase, there are 100's of millions that play video games and yet the most popular video game reddit group is nowhere near that.

I really hate when people talk in extreme generalities about massive sums of people and it usually comes from thinking that things on the internet are what RL is like. This might be a bit more true with a mod like this since some Fallout 4 players might have no clue it exists but with other fandoms it's just not.

BoW actually carried me to a few FNM 3-0 performances last time it was in Standard. The deck is not great but the card drop off is so minimal in a deck like that it's not a huge issue, sure it's nowhere near as consistent as the 60 card decks, but it's good enough to win at an FNM that's for sure especially if you get a bit lucky.

The biggest thing that prevented me from playing it was shuffling the damn deck.


I can only imagine the chaos of cutting public schools, nothing would turn this country in 20 years into a bigger shithole than removing the public education system.

The libertarian principle boiled down fuck poor people.

While that might be an easy way to do that it's not much work to turn this on.

It's like a standard control deck it just doesn't have the sweepers and card advantage to pull that off. If this deck had a few memory deluge, and sunfall it might be good enough to win.


I heard they have their worst ratings in 33 years so yeah CNN is facing huge issues, this was even before this entire trending twitter hashtag.

Anyone having an issue with this is doing some major gatekeeping on the band. This is like those Souls-like players that think if you use all the tools available to you in Elden Ring you didn't actually beat the game.

I am a recent convert to Babymetal but that doesn't make me a lesser fan because some other guy has been listening to them since 2014.

Obelisk played well is absurdly good, but it takes a lot of effort to maximize it.

While WotC is not perfect the fact that this game remains as interesting and good as it has been for over 30 years is a testament to their skill at making cards. Almost any problem most have with the company is literally the top tier CEO's making decisions that affect the game heavily for a profit.

For instance Maro has a lot of say in how cards are designed but you can bet your ass he has 0 power over the price of a card or how fast they release products. 95% of the problems people have with the game are handled in board rooms with people we have no clue about.

No banlist also makes many other absurd cards legal.

Yeah, that makes sense this is also notoriously one of the worst cards ever. So it being used as a proxy back in the day makes more sense.

:flag-or: Oregon

I can only imagine how pissed the founding fathers would be see if they were alive to see this. The Republicans sure love to put them all on a huge golden pedestal but it rings hollow with shit like this.


Perhaps the guy listens to Qanon who is trying to convince people that it's all Biden. Is Qanon even a thing anymore in the year 2024?

Senu has a small shot of seeing play but the fact that it costs 2 mana, and then on top of that has to be exiled to recur it is rough. Sure there are ways to do that, but sounds like a lot of work to get a 2/1 flyer back.

This is even more true with a set like this, where some buying it might not really know a ton about MTG. There are some huge AC fans out there that might buy this set or some cards without even knowing how to play.

Ezio is easily one of the best characters in the entire series.

Yep, this Joker is pretty insane with copies of itself.


Trump only gives a shit about three things, power, money, and being able to do anything he wants to anyone that has wronged him.

Project 2025 is merely something that might help him achieve those goals he doesn't give a flying fuck about most of their long term goals.

Chad fits nearly all builds though, Runner might be better if we are talking straights and straights only but that is not all runs unless you force straights.


Isn't that better for us, It's like that joke in the Incredibles where the villain's always monologue their plan right near the end. Yep, it would be far better if they kept this a secret, but they aren't that smart or they are so arrogant they think they can tell everyone and still pull it off.

Very few builds can take it to late antes, almost every time I see someone at stupidly high ante's it's with very similar jokers and deck.

If you have a deck full of Lucky Cards, All Sixes is stupidly good, and it only gets better once you add Lucky Cat to the mix.