
Can the entity tell you something that you don’t already know?

Like, for example teach you a sentence in a language that you don’t speak?

Tell you the answer to a difficult math problem that you’re unable to normally do?

I’m guessing it can’t.

No, they don’t. But there’s a whole lot in between a bad photo and a “great” photo. Great isn’t necessary. But damn, make some mild effort. Some of this stuff is just common sense.

“This is god. I’m making a new universe, and not coming back to this one. You’re on your own, sort your shit out and stop worrying about what you think I want. I’m out.”


Can you give an example of a crime or sin that would NOT be forgiven if the perpetrator repented and followed Jesus?

Is there ANY crime that would wind you up in hell instead of heaven if the perpetrator sincerely believed in Jesus the way that you do?

Actual question, not rhetorical. Please answer.


If only the perfect word of a perfect god was univocal and consistent instead of a mishmash of vague, contradictory nonsense.


Are we to believe or accept that they're in Heaven just because they said "sorry" one time?

Well I certainly don't believe that they are in heaven or hell, as both concepts are completely made up. But from what I understand, the number of times they repent is not relevant: if they were sincere—which we can't know, but a god could—then yes, according to the theology they are chillin in heaven, alongside many of their victims.

What a horrid concept.


Yes, and if you do that, there is no sin for which you will not be forgiven.

It's a Get Out Of Hell Free card, no matter what you do. This is why people who follow him do horrible, unspeakable things and then repent and ask for forgiveness. What's the motivation to not do horrible shit in the first place?

Your god is a powerless coward when it comes to protecting the innocent from the depredations of his followers exercising their "free will to do right or wrong."

They’re probably commenting on the complete lack of any effort to take a better picture of the photograph, either by flattening it, taking the photo landscape and closer instead of portrait and further, taking it from directly overhead instead of all sorts of additional curvature and perspective that makes the job harder for anyone trying to restore it.

Personally, I’ll never be bothered to try to restore something if the person asking can’t be bothered to make any effort. Must not be that important to them 🤷🏻‍♂️


”Why would I ever do wrong, if I have an eternity of Heaven in prize which I know to be 100% true? Why would I break it and die?”

I think a better question is why WOULDNT you do wrong if you believed that all of your sins will be forgiven as long as you believe in Jesus?

It’s not sin that prevents you from getting into heaven, after all. The entire basis of Christian theology is that EVERYONE sins.

Clearly, “doing wrong” isn’t a concern for the centuries of child fuckers in the clergy, and it doesn’t prevent youth pastor after youth pastor of doing that today. Go visit the PastorArrested sub if you need a daily reminder of how believing in your God not only does not prevent believers from doing terrible things, it excuses and protects them.

How is this LAMF?

FWIW, E. coli comes from animals, not vegetables, vegetables get contaminated with it via animal waste.

Did the person who died argue against washing vegetables or inspecting salad, or something? If not, then this is not LAMF

Partassipant [2]

She’s more of a friend than a mother figure to you … which I understand. But she’ll be seen as a grandmother figure to your child, and I assume you want her to treat your child as if she’d treat a blood grandchild.

I think you’re overthinking this and making it about you rather than your child and the relationship that they will have with your stepmother.

Soft YTA

They will always be mixed—because they ARE mixed—but they can present in very different ways.

It’s not super common, but yes a black/white couple can have children that either appear entirely black or entirely white. There are cases where they’ve had one of each.

But how they appear doesn’t change the fact that they are half black and half white.

Put them all on his pillow or the drivers seat of his car.

A human being can eat a gallon of ice cream without dying or being injured.

Now whether or not YOU can eat a gallon of ice cream, we can’t answer. You’ll have to update us :)

This is already what I do with one dishwasher.

Wash dishes. Put dishes away. As I dirty them, put them into the dishwasher. When dishwasher is full, run the cycle.


I’ve been thinking the same thing lately.