Oh my god I like your idea will write it in the research and thank you man for the new I info

Milk from cow help cause protein aggression which is what formed by hypotheses

Arab over here living in the Gulf people are still making fun of Joe speech in every way lots have said that Trump if he didn't attended the speech result would have been the same

Listen over here my entire family tress except my parent is cousin to cousin and we have zero genetical problems the only thing is that we look similar more than the average family

They are probably milk cousin which is forbidden as u marry your sibling

Then thank you dear have a nice day well read it and add it

Thank you will add this to my research and I am from arab countries

Okay We are told that its influences by the environment which is why I though of this observation

Ok and? Not engourged but allowed

Do not forgot all the other 5 major religion all have head covering for women

Thank you so much because Saudi women I have all my rights

You cannot marry yourucle or aunt

Sorry if this is a rude question Cow milk or milk from MotherResearch

Hi so basically I want to do research as a high school student on whether there is a link between animal milk and getting fed to young kids can increase protein aggression which increases the likelihood of being neurodivergent.

If you do know what you are fed as a kid it will be amazing for me and help me publish the research that will be an observational

In my family, the people who are neurodivergent happened to be fed fatty milk from animals. Thus feed from mother milk did not get anything and grew to be neurotypical

Many thanks to anyone who read this and have a nice day

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There is nothing really as freedom as there is always a group that will think they are lacking, freedom is different for each country let alone a person.

Saudi Arabia

Your drawing style is like a cartoon

Which that you make this style and draw a history based on this. Or someone like a channel adopt your idea

Truly adobrable style

I hate Hamas just like I hate isreal isreal literally invaded palestain and Gaza

I had this username during MYP where I used to explain the class for the student now a day in DP I have avg of 5 in the class was one mark away from a 6

You sound like my TOK teacher

Thank you my school just told us on IA which is why I was confused

Well then I am sorry but I read a comment taht said taht maybe I mistake it for youu and it was another person as your post didn’t have OP written next to it