This was smoked straight through. I believe you steam it after it is fully smoked. Need to try that sometime. I know the legendary Katz deli steams theirs.

Grobbel’s gourmet traditional flat cut corned beef brisket.

This was just a pre-marinated store bought one that came with the seasoning packet so I just decided to throw it on there. I didn’t have any crunches with the coriander. The rub was just garlic powder and black pepper and then the seasoning packet.

Mesquite this time. I usually try to do a hardwood (oak, hickory, mesquite) and a sweet wood like cherry or apple.

This was one of the pre-packaged ones so no recipe sorry. Smoke time on this one took about 6 hours and didn’t wrap it.

This was one of the pre-cured ones you can buy at the store. I’ve tried the brining and pickling once before and it wasn’t as good as these. Need to perfect doing it on my own. Brisket is too expensive to right now to be experimenting!

It doesn’t matter where you live in the US, impacting a jurisdictional Waters of the United States (WOTUS) is against the law.

Source: EPA Employee in the Water Division

Haha I respect your passion for 402. We all play important roles in protecting water quality and our natural resources.

Haha I respect your passion for 402. We all play important roles to protect water quality and our natural resources.

Hmm ecological economics makes me think you may enjoy working as a grants project officer. You would oversee grants through multiple different funding avenues from inception to finish.

I work for EPA and I love every aspect of it. I feel like I can actually make a difference in the position I am in. I work in the water division specifically under section 404 of the clean water act to help protect streams and wetlands. I started out in the private sector as a consultant at a large engineering company and realized it was not for me to help old white dudes get richer..

Smoked it using hickory on an Oklahoma Joe’s offset smoker til it hit 205 then pulled it off. Let it cool down in the fridge then sliced it. Key is to wrap it based off of bark not temp.

Brush the baby backs with some mustard and then dust your favorite rub on. Make sure to take off the membrane! Smoked with hickory and apple at around 275 on an Oklahoma Joes offset. Make sure to keep the smoke clean. Used a spray bottle to spritz them with apple juice about every 45 minutes.