Not Garland, though, he’s a stooge for the right.

Worker safety interferes with corporate profits. WON’T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CORPORATE PROFITS!?!?

Which is far easier for the owner class to manipulate, which is why we’ll never have proportional representation and capitalism at the same time. Truly representative government is fundamentally incompatible with capitalism.

I never said it wasn’t hard; I said it adds nothing of value to the economy.

“Value” doesn’t drive an economy, the demand for goods and services drives an economy. There is is a demand for housing. Landlords own more housing than they can use, and rent out the surplus for a profit. They don’t create the housing - at the very best, they maintain it, but anyone who’s rented knows how that goes.

The landlord doesn’t produce anything, they don’t create anything, they don’t add value to the housing that already exists. All they do is profit from ownership. It’s the very definition of a drain on the economy.

No President was perfect. I’d stack up FDR’s list of accomplishments vs. List of failures against any other POTUS’s.

Not to mention the massive tax cuts for corporations and billionaires that helped to run up a massive national debt.

And lower quality of care as the owners look to cut costs wherever they can.

But let’s keep electing more and more business friendly, privatization hungry governments, because reasons.

Can’t wait for the inevitable increase of costs and decrease in quality that privatized health care always brings with it.

Courting the religious zealot vote. Because if we’ve learned anything at all from history, it’s that nothing could ever go wrong when mixing government and religion.

Yo dawg, we heard you like Volvos…..

They also eat scorpions, good birds to have around!

Bee was just beeing (haha) a bee. Defending itself, really. Not evil at all.

NYT with its finger on the pulse here, telling us things we all knew five years ago.

Next they’ll be warning us about some new virus called “covid”.

We keep electing American style government and wonder why we are getting American style problems.

Wow, doubling down on the strawman AND whataboutism in the same post. Well done, advanced trolling there.

Still no attempt to address the actual issue; don’t think we didn’t notice, and don’t think for a minute that we don’t know it’s because you don’t have a refutation.

They”re not failing, they’re doing exactly what their billionaire owners want them to do.

Executive order. If the right doesn’t like it they can send it to the courts, where it will die because Presidential records are now privileged per the SCOTUS ruling.

If it weren’t for the 22nd Amendment, he’d still be President now.

And now here’s something we think you’ll really like!