I questioned his teeth a year or two ago and got attaaaacked by Nikki fans. “KiDs LoSe TeEtH!!” Well aware…however…it doesn’t take 2-3 years to grow back in and you don’t start losing teeth at 2 years old. He’s been missing teeth since he was a toddler. He had one missing and then a few months later the other one. They either got knocked out or pulled. No one is picking on a little kid.


Not til December but was genuinely concerned they would not reschedule and just refund

Wtf is going on there. No way that’s just his belly

Not my absolute favorite Beck album but Lost Cause makes me cry and is in my top favorite Beck songs.

Regular lines said in my house:

“I don’t want no cornbread”

“Mah whole BAWDY hurts”

“She’s like mah idol”

“Jesus god ____”

After playing around with it and attempting to turn it into something that wasn’t my original vision, I am unraveling it. I love the color pattern I have and want to make something I’m going to love and wear. I’m going balls to the wall and making a granny square duster. Stay tuned 😎

Thank you! I was very proud up until an hour ago 😂 I think I’m going to attempt a poncho and add some tassels and see how that turns out

In my mind this works lol I’m gonna do this!

I know I didn’t learn my lesson because I read your comment before your edit and read “that genius!” And immediately started YouTubing and thinking “but why is it still six sides?” LMAO! Your picture is still very much appreciated

Yeah idk. You may be right. I just can’t think of any examples of that off the top of my head. Every time I see posts about Kail, I feel like I always see Brianna comment trying to be a shit starting bitch. It seems like Kail is trying to leave the Brianna situation dead but continues to be a shit starting bitch with Jenelle every few months. All of them should stay in their own fucked up lanes and mind their own bidness imo

I think Kail pokes the jenelle bear more than Brianna. Which is annoying and petty. Brianna continues to insert herself into kails shit. Also annoying.

Also here to admit I was wrong. Definitely thought she had a baby last year, didn’t think she was pregnant again. I do hope she publicly announces that she has more kids so this “is she or isn’t she pregnant” convo can just stop.

Do we for sure know that he had a history of running away at Barbs too?

Trying to understand why this comment has been downvoted lol