
10k in may-August. Would stay in hostels and have a eurail pass. Or how much would it cost for these 75 days?

Could I do a 75 day Europe trip for $10,000? AskShoestring

I have been considering going to many different countries including Switzerland, Denmark, Poland, Czechia, Germany, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, and potentially Luxembourg for 75 days next summer and I am hoping to do all this for $10,000 or under.

Does it feel like Tails isn’t Sonic’s #1 go to anymore?Question

It feels like he is becoming more and more irrelevant and I don’t want that because he is my favorite character. It just feels like he isn’t his little buddy anymore. I could be wrong but this is just how I feel.

I preferred CJ because of a few reasons

  1. I felt like I could relate to her more than Margret

  2. Mordecai would be more like himself around CJ than Margret

It’s because of association. You will associate cheating with someone who cheats.


I have a fucking list:

Tails the fox, Silver the hedgehog, Sonic the hedgehog, Ray the squirrel, XJ-9, Steve smith, Danny Phantom, Tigris, Pablo from the backyardigans, Judy hopps, Tweek Tweak, Vanessa Doofenschmirtz, Yoshi, Toad, and Hiro Hamada.There are more but for now it’s all I can remember.

Interests: Amusement parks/Tails the fox

Dislikes: politics, People who have no common sense.

I saw someone get cut in half by an ad block thing at a train station

Child protective services who are trying to take Tails away

Me and my friends had a ‘Remember when’ session.