I think there was a guy who fell out of his llv and it drove down the road and hit a car. I think he only got fired because he lied about falling out and it was caught on a ring camera.


I mean they can in a proof by exhaustion, it's just not elegant. Or induction.

ZetaGrid was looking for counterexamples. IDK what exactly came of it.

Prob has to re-write the code too. Python is probably going to be too slow for proof by exhaustion

I'll DM you some stuff if you want.

Basically no one has any idea what they're doing at the IRS and the gov't should defund them. The most recent conversion attempt tried to translate ALC line by line to Java, which worked about as well as you think. And the guy patented it lol. The solution in the short term has been that the IRS keeps buying IBM Z's (modern mainframes that cost 250k - 4m$ which have ALC backwards compatibility) as 1401's break down, rather than re-writing the codebase and just using much, much cheaper modern servers. They've been doing this for over 2 or 3 decades now.

Some of the alphabet agencies and their fondness for Cray's make this expenditure seem quaint by comparison.

IRS modernization black hole of $ -


IRS approved "free" e-filing software literally served up viruses last year, too lol. This is why I will always use turbotax.


Pretty much. These people are all daft. Any automation displaces workers. Welcome to progress. It just is.

Hilariously, it turns out it's easier to automate writing and art and numerous upper class grifts than things involving motor skills.

People who are fine to displace: All manual labor, accountants, excecutives.

Not fine: Anything anyone who complains loudly on social media does

You can't identify most decent AI art.

You cover the hands and feet.

And fwiw, a lot of art is like that. There's problems w/rotoscoping and other things where people know how to cover up limitations in the tech.

They still have IBM 1401 code from 1959 in the IRS workflow. It's why it crashes every year on tax day.

Anticipated completion date - 2028. I think they started "Modernization" in 2004-ish? Maybe earlier. And I think they're at billions of dollars by now with nothing to show for it.

I'll just DM you some advice. A friend of mine dealt with something similar to what youre doing and I know a forum.

I'd run like hell then. They're losing money the second you pay market rent and taxes. Lots of it. Check if they have tax liens too. IDK how tf this is in business, short of PPP fraud.

What country is this in?

Not a lawyer not legal or business advice.

Yep, payment processing is the complicated one.

Also block texas and any other state IPs with bans or unclear pornography restrictions (prob Utah), which isn't hard. And block minors with an age verification everywhere else (ARE YOU OVER 18?).

Also bear in mind a lot of these people are dodgy af, make sure to take pay at milestones or some $ upfront.

Oh then I mean eh. Don't do any user generated content upload tube sites if you're US. Absolutely not kidding. No way to verify anything.

Payment prcoessing is still a PitA

Avoid adult stuff IME.

The whole thing is a PitA. Dodgy people, age verification, payment processors won't touch it so you're stuck working with weird awful APIs, now geographic lockouts. App stores also don't allow adult apps.

Tube sites w/UGC are absolute nightmares, don't touch them if you live in the US, they can't effectively monitor content. It's literally impossible.

Hi! If it's not a cash business and the guy is accurately reporting numbers, I don't see value in it personally. The building is a commerical real estate thing, it's worth market. Check comparables.

The business does not pay market rent and would generate a loss if it did.

Is it a deli or some other cash business?

SDE of 75k? Why are you looking at this? How heavily expensed is the business? What are straight rev figures? How do you pay no rent and barely hit break even? I'm not even sure how that's possible unless books are cooked heavily (if it's a cash business).

Broadly, the business is prob worthless or a cash business where the books are a complete fabrication and you will need to figure cashflow. And is regardless, prob contingent on free rent in a building you're probably not getting when your uncle sells the place at market.

THe building is prob worth plenty, but that's a commercial real estate question. Also, first thing you'd have to get rid of this business tenant you seem interested in that doesn't pay rent, which could be an obstacle. If they toss it in w/the building that's one thing but I'd dissolve immediately if it's losing the amount of money I imagine.

Not a lawyer not legal or business advice.

It's a real thing. That book is great to anyone else who never read it.

I like legacy stuff too. Now let's take the trek to huggingface and figure a way to make some $ off it lol. You can trust me, I play bass.

Yep, people constantly send me links to this scam nonsense trying to be helpful.

It annoys tf out of me because boomers see scam job listings that inflate pay and think, "WELL JUST APPLY ON FACEBOOK FOR ONE OF THESE GREAT $35/hr JOBS".

The new one is "PROMPT ENGINEER". It's not a real job. The more benign ones just try to sell you on rubbish training.

I think her nail polish which she bought at CVS somehow makes her quirky cause it matches the blouse.

Either that or she's probably in a cult. It is winnipeg after all, it has a ton for some reason.


No one ever set out to write bad code. They had indifferent managers and a tight deadline before they used some baffling memory hack and spaghetti code to get something workable done in a timeframe that was borderline impossible.

There's no magical perfect and pristine code.


A lot of these are fake.

That job isn't actually called front desk clerk I've applied for it. They list on eCareers

The voice remote replacement ($20) will probably work it has wi-fi and not IR/RF.

The non-voice thats $10 won't work as it's IR only.

For the most part yes. You may have to log in again or authorize some streaming services but that's about it.