You're mildly infuriated before you even try it? Weird.

It's so much worse than what I inferred from the post title alone. Well done.

You're really reaching in an attempt to double down, when you should be conceding that that is a normal way to write a 7, even in the US.

Still paid for it though… I was told to ring them if it didn’t wash out within a couple days.

You should have withheld payment for a couple of days instead.

I'm sure you respect everyone else's choices. 🙄

"What's the clipboard for?" "How you gonna write anything if you can't read?" "Oh, you can read? So you just willfully ignored the sign? Well you can fuck right off then!"

Must be AB testing because I don't get that prompt.

It's not though. If the patient didn't make an appointment specifically for a checkup and a filling, and then learned they needed a filling during the checkup. Then they are making a separate appointment for the filling, which just so happens to be consecutive.

If anything, it's fraud on the part of the insurance company to even have such a policy to begin with.

Ask the dentist office to resubmit it as two visits. Be firm yet polite, and don't take no for an answer. They can definitely do it, and it's what they should have done in the first place.

That's why you don't make it too obvious. Just slow down slooowly like you're just oblivious to the entire situation. And don't turn your head when they pass, like you don't even know they're there.

Still is. Glad it was reposted since I've not seen it until just now.

my cup of tears hath runneth over 🤣🤣🤣 what a knob she is

I'm not convinced the person on the back of the moped survived that truck (@0:33).

That's actually genius in a slightly evil way. 🤣

get some earplugs and deal with it, instead of being a curmudgeon. unpatriotic people are much worse than people who set off fireworks.