Dagoth Down To My Knee
  1. I'm not the OP so how the fuck should I know?
  2. This is one, singular example. You're gonna need to come up with a more solid calibre of evidence for your claim than one meme on a shitposting sub.
Dagoth Down To My Knee

Why is Pride only only associated with the T now?

It's not.

They ban unions, impose one-man-management of workplaces, continue commodity-production and wage labour, promote nationalism and engage in imperialism.

Depends if you consider Stalinoids leftists.


I mean everyone in the setting seems to be a colossal piece of shit so he'd fit right in.

For anyone at GCHQ reading this, that's obviously a joke.

Regardless of the mendacious framing, I couldn't give fuck number 1 if it had 90% support across the board. The state deciding that 18 year olds are essentially its property can get entirely fucked. Anycunt that's into this shite is twisted little authoritarian know-nothing prick.

I imagine any kid that played was murdered by their parent or guardian when the phone bill arrived so we'll probably never know.

Dagoth Down To My Knee

Azura preserve us, I can smell the ammonia from here.

Tbf, Joe is one of the best writers working in genre-fiction today. The man's character-work is near enough to peerless. I'm in no way trying to denigrate the guys that write for the Black Library, some of them are unbelievably talented, just not quite in Abercrombie's league. The way deadlines work when writing for GW are like night and day compared to the way he gets to write too. He's his own man and does a fuckload of planning before he gets to work on a trilogy. BL is kind of a content mill so you're just not getting a comparable amount of time to flesh out characters. Easier to just make them "good."

For real. Only cunts with the accent I can abide are thespians and they only have it because their teachers at the RADA presumably cane them until they lose their original accent or some shit.

It just wouldn't fit with every other aspect of the films to have good casting. You gotta be consistent. Go dogshit or go home.

The difference is that he lied to an extraordinary degree to get into his leadership position. He went out of his way to claim a political position, that being democratic socialism, that he is fundamentally antagonistic towards. He's unique in that respect, and is therefore by a country mile the most dishonest cunt in politics today. Only Farage or Galloway come close.

Demolish office blocks and replace them with vertical farming infrastructure, mycological facilities and anything that can move food-production out of the countryside and into urban areas, allowing for rewilding of agricultural land.

She herself admitted spreading anti-semitic tropes.

And she's an idiot for doing so because it's a matter of fact that there are groups that lobby on behalf of Israel. Luke Akehurst is in charge of one.

Dagoth Down To My Knee

we’re all Talos-worshippers

Speak for yourself, snow-ape.

You're on the money (and they ain't.)

Unfortunately, to your average business, especially if it's publicly-traded, long-term thinking is commie shit and the idea of not making more money, year over year, is anathema. They would rather close the restaurant and put me and all the other working humps out of a job than make slightly less than they did the previous quarter, and I suspect they will within the next year or so.

because the market said so

And there's the old neo-liberal brain-worms at work, devouring that poor fuck's grey matter. It really is just a secular religion at this point. These people start at a position and bend or discard every fact to suit that position in the same way young-earth creationists do when "debunking" evolution.

Dagoth Down To My Knee

I cannot wait for the current generation of kids to deride zoomers as the cringe motherfuckers they (understandably) think millennials are. Perhaps the alpha sprogs will break the cycle and realise we are, all of us, completely fucking lame.

The holocaust refers to jewish people specifically

You're thinking of the term "Shoah." The holocaust refers to everyone killed in, well, the holocaust.

Edit - love your username btw

The restaurant I work behind the bar for has the same absolutely baffling logic. Shit, there are less people through the door. Better jack those prices!

Just worked a Saturday shift with half the bar staff off sick or, in one case, quitting, and it was fine because we were at half capacity all night. I wonder if those two factors are connected?