That’s what allow them to do it, not what cause them to do it, which is what OP was asking about.

and you can swap Anthony with anyone I would still sit near Caesar if I had the possibility

Manlius Astronomica LCL 469: 78-79

… a son took up arms after the example of his father’s foes and a Pompey infested the seas which his parent had swept clean. Let fate content itself with this! May wars now cease and, fettered with bonds of adamant, may discord, prisoned fast, be curbed for evermore! Unconquered be the father of our fatherland; may Rome serve none but him; and for all that she has given a God to heaven, may she miss him not on earth*.

* [May Rome not miss the deified Julius, seeing that she has Augustus, still alive, to take care of her.]

Wow thank you by the sound of it I thought it was all made up, I didn’t know he did refound Seville at least. I knew he had refounded Corinth but I had never heard about Ispalis.

ancient sources: Alexander was beautiful and Caesar admired him. random guy in the middle ages: Alexander is ugly and Caesar was not impressed. Idk he had some kind of limited edition Lucan apparently hahahaahaha. The rest of the book is about Hercules and it is written as if he was an actual historical figure not a mythical hero so don’t take it too seriously.

(I am copy pasting from mobile I cannot do better than this hope you manage to read it )

1 And he put there six great pillars of stone and he placed on top of them a very great slab of marble upon which were written large letters which said: “The great city will be founded here”. 2 And on top of this he put a stone stone figure, and it had one hand towards the east, and on the palm of the hand was written: “Hercules reached this point”, and the other hand faced downwards, pointing to the letters on the marble with one finger. 3 And so it was that, in the time of the Romans when they were the lords of the world, there was a great disagreement between Julius Caesar and Pompey, who were father-in-law and son-in-law, and both emperors. 4 In Rome, it was decided to send Pompey to the east, and Julius Caesar to the west, to conquer all the lands which did not yet obey Rome, and they were told to return to Rome in five years, and if either of them did not do this, they would not be received as emperor any more. 5 In those five years, Pompey conquered all of the lands of the east, but Julius Caesar, in the space of five years, conquered only as far as Lerida, which is a city in Spain, in the land known as Catalonia. 6 And as Lucan, who wrote this story, tells us, when these five years had passed, the Romans ordered him to return, and if he did not, he would not be received as emperor. 7 Caesar, in contempt, did not wish to do this, but said that since he was an emperor he would take another five years to finish what he had started. 8 And so, in the other five years that he took, he conquered the whole of Spain. 9 And when he reached that place where the city of Talica was first founded, it seemed to him that it was not in a good place, and he went to find another place to rebuild it. 10 And when he came to the place where were to be found the pillars on which Hercules had put the statue, he looked at the great slab of marble which was scattered broken in pieces on the ground. And when he saw the letters, he ordered the pieces to be put together and he read that this was where the great city was to be built. 11 So he ordered it to be moved from where it was and rebuilt there where it is to this day, and he gave it the name Ispalis, just as it had first been called when it was built on stakes of wood in a place called Almedina, which is near Cadiz. 12 And according to Lucan, after he had rebuilt the city he went to Cadiz, where there was a great city. There he found a temple which the people of that place had made in honour of Hercules, and amongst the images in the temple he found one of king Alexander, and everyone said that this statue was Alexander’s likeness in size and looks. And when Caesar saw it, he spent a long time looking at it and thinking. And then he said that if Alexander had been so small of body and so ugly, and yet had done so many good and great deeds, he, who was so large and handsome would surely do as great, or even better deeds. 13 And while he was thinking this, he went to his house and he dreamed that night that he impregnated his mother. 14 On the next day, he called for a fine seer who he always had with him, and he told him what he had thought and dreamed. 15 The seer explained his dream, and told him that his mother was the land, and just as he put her beneath him and dominated her, so he would conquer that land and be lord of everything. 16 So he went from there and went to Rome, and afterwards he was lord of the world, just as his history relates. 17 But now we return to speak of Hercules, to tell of his deeds in Spain.

Look at this carved by hand by a bunch of cult members of a new age religion invented in the 1970s near Turin, Italy. Keep in mind all of this was done without the government permission so they also had to be careful ecc… if they had a contract and modern machinery they could do it way more easily of course, like we built a tunnel from France to fucking Uk hahah. I am not saying this temple is remotely as good as Petra but it was done all by hand by amateur artists and it’s the biggest underground temple on earth, if you go on YouTube there are videos and the art inside is stunning. So if those random guys managed to do this, 30 km from my house without anyone noticing for decades I believe expert stonemasons and paid workers or even slaves could have really built Petra without Alien intervention or some made up/hypothetical advanced tools just like the Italian cult members did, using only tech that was already aviable when Petra was built.

Fun story about Julius Caesar

I was reading a medieval work commissioned in 1252 by Alfonso X of Castile called “Estoria de España”. In a section about the founding of Seville there is a story about Pompey and Caesar, the statue of Alexander and a strange dream. Idk I found it funny and wanted to share it.

“…and he (Hercules) put there six great pillars of stone and he placed on top of them a very great slab of marble upon which were written large letters which said: “The great city will be founded here”. And on top of this he put a stone stone figure, and it had one hand towards the east, and on the palm of the hand was written: “Hercules reached this point”, and the other hand faced downwards, pointing to the letters on the marble with one finger. And so it was that, in the time of the Romans when they were the lords of the world, there was a great disagreement between Julius Caesar and Pompey, who were father-in-law and son-in-law, and both emperors. In Rome, it was decided to send Pompey to the east, and Julius Caesar to the west, to conquer all the lands which did not yet obey Rome, and they were told to return to Rome in five years, and if either of them did not do this, they would not be received as emperor any more. In those five years, Pompey conquered all of the lands of the east, but Julius Caesar, in the space of five years, conquered only as far as Lerida, which is a city in Spain, in the land known as Catalonia. And as Lucan, who wrote this story, tells us, when these five years had passed, the Romans ordered him to return, and if he did not, he would not be received as emperor. Caesar, in contempt, did not wish to do this, but said that since he was an emperor he would take another five years to finish what he had started. And so, in the other five years that he took, he conquered the whole of Spain. And when he reached that place where the city of Talica was first founded, it seemed to him that it was not in a good place, and he went to find another place to rebuild it. And when he came to the place where were to be found the pillars on which Hercules had put the statue, he looked at the great slab of marble which was scattered broken in pieces on the ground. And when he saw the letters, he ordered the pieces to be put together and he read that this was where the great city was to be built. So he ordered it to be moved from where it was and rebuilt there where it is to this day, and he gave it the name Ispalis, just as it had first been called when it was built on stakes of wood in a place called Almedina, which is near Cadiz. And according to Lucan, after he had rebuilt the city he went to Cadiz, where there was a great city. There he found a temple which the people of that place had made in honour of Hercules, and amongst the images in the temple he found one of king Alexander, and everyone said that this statue was Alexander’s likeness in size and looks. And when Caesar saw it, he spent a long time looking at it and thinking. And then he said that if Alexander had been so small of body and so ugly, and yet had done so many good and great deeds, he, who was so large and handsome would surely do as great, or even better deeds. And while he was thinking this, he went to his house and he dreamed that night that he impregnated his mother. On the next day, he called for a fine seer who he always had with him, and he told him what he had thought and dreamed. 15 The seer explained his dream, and told him that his mother was the land, and just as he put her beneath him and dominated her, so he would conquer that land and be lord of everything. So he went from there and went to Rome, and afterwards he was lord of the world, just as his history relates. But now we return to speak of Hercules, to tell of his deeds in Spain.”

His lost histories are the number 1 ancient work I hope we will find 1 day. There is no other ancient lost document I care more about.

He has a couple of songs with 200M+ views on yt and for Italian music it’s a lot.

The only problem is if the police doesn’t believe you are a tourist they could take you to the hotel and you have to make them see the actual passport so they can be sure of your identity. But 99% of the cases they would just take your word for it or trust your American driver license even if it’s not counted as valid ID in Italy. Also already it’s like a 1% of possibility that police will randomly stop you in the first place and on top of that a 1% possibility they are assholes and pretend to see the passport instead of the licence. So in total it’s 0.001% you could have “trouble” and it would be barely an inconvenience (having to go pick up the passport and show it to them). In short don’t worry leave it at the hotel or wherever you want if you are worried of losing it. In the remote case police stop you tell the cop you are clumsy or something so you left the ID at the Hotel in order not to lose it and they will of course understand. This if you want to be polite you can just tell them you left it at the hotel without telling them why it’s not their business.

:Italy: :Piemonte: Former Calabrian

TIL joe rogan is “Italian”

Because the press just reposted the info he leaked. It’s not the same.

Not saying they look old but concrete and bricks are indeed very old materials . For example this is a photo I took in Pompeii


And as a proof of it just read most of the other comments, they are bothered mainly by the “boundaries crossed” and bs like that, only after they bring up the choking hazard to virtue signal a little but it’s far from their main concern.

Bruh don’t bother the choking thing it’s an excuse they are clearly bothered by the religious symbol. Someone mentioned the choking hazard in a comment and they are all parroting. I bet my balls if this was about a surprise gift of a non religious necklace NO ONE would be yapping about choke hazards hahahaah