What part describes dark matter remotely correctly? (Apart maybe saying that most of the mass in the universe comes from DM)

I think if he would be doing this on purpose he'd be tempted to twist actual known concepts not just ramble on and on. Eg the fact that he's totally oblivious that anti and dark matter are different things but then doesn't use any features of either in his definition..  I think a physicist would be tempted to use attributes of both to turn that into a totally ridiculous Frankenstein particle

Cold fried eggs are pretty disgusting. I wouldn't want anyone to make me a fried egg if I wasn't already at the table.

Also: how often has he complained about breakfast being cold or not what he wanted?

Asking the real questionsm have you ever tried to eat a cold fried egg? It's so delicious.

Ok. So we only need to figure out if this frog was lobotomized. Is there a way to test it without opening the door?

Nono, they were trying to shoot the hate open. Not their fault op was standing behind it. How could they have known!?

Also setting up a fire in a public park is a good way to attract the police and get out. Lol

I find the flavor turns out much more intense if you pan fry first (maybe also because I end up using three times the amount of mushroom for the same value. Lol

She was adopted by age 4. She likely won't remember much of what happened before she joined the family.

And the US is also not very big ob empathy.. particularly compared to European countries that believe everyone has a right to live a decent life no matter how "damning" their circumstances 

Ultimately ED is often also about being in control and a way of coping with the parts that you can't Control.

I've had a co-worker in the past who would try to monitor everyone's dessert intake and explain to you unprompted how much fatter you make yourself everytime you had dessert. It would get worse when he was under tight deadlines (stress) and loosen up when not .

This is what it reminded me off. He's trying to "control" what he can because the situation is overwhelming/scary to him. I don't think he'll branch out to control her clothing or who she sees as it's about him more than her.. but I do think that if this doesn't get addressed he'll fuck up the kids relationship with food really bad.

But yeah eventually nobody really knows what's going on in his head and whatever it is, it needs addressing now.

Tempura shrimp with the shell still on.. was served this once in a restaurant and I still don't understand why they would choose to go this way. It looked nice with the tail sticking out but you had to get the entire breading off to peel it

Given that it extend to his eating habits as well, I'd put on my money on an eating disorder more than a controlling personality.

It still needs addressing and fast but I suspect it wouldn't move far outside the realm of food .

I dunno what he's going on about. I'm still speaking German/s

For debugging I just use vscode. That's what I meant with my last line 

I had a (male) friend buy a minivan right out of university because he was "getting ready for family life". I'm not even sure he had a girlfriend at the time. Lol

I mostly run it in a separate dedicated terminal. It ends up being much faster than in the integrated shell of vscode.

I use debugging a lot in vscode though as well

Don't improve a running system I guess. 

I just use the last plastic bag I got that isn't torn

I kinda get it though. 

The decision should be with the closest kin. I'm not going to pretend that my grief and connection to my husband's mom is comparable to his. It's his mom and he (and his siblings/their dad) should make that decision.

That being said, she can't unilaterally decide to screw up the family finances. That's where the dad rights to decide comes in in full force. 

I guess this is more nothowguyswork

It's action filled when you compare it to American football and the duration is about the same..

I mean.. she may not have an income but she's still getting 4k/month so she's not exactly spending her savings by paying the phone bill. 

Maybe he wanted a smaller house so he could cover the full cost but she didn't. Maybe they agreed he should have 100$ left over a month for spending money so she covers the difference.

It sounds like both are happy with the arrangement, so it's fair to them.

You can ask for a lower bed, but be prepared for none being available.

Also overweight is a very wide category going from a couple extra pounds to 600+ ... So you will probably get a range of answers. 

I've probably topped out at 250 and was over 200 while traveling and never had any issues (except the occasional airplane seat being a bit tight.. but I feel they've gotten bigger too). I've seen much larger people than me at hostels too, but I don't know their story.

I've had the pleasure (/s) of having people have sex in the bunk bed below me. And from what I read on here it's not exactly a rare occurrence.  Also knew a couple that would sleep in one bunk bed together because they wanted to cuddle up against each other (they were paying for two beds though). Never heard of a bed collapsing, so they seem to be able to handle two average people at least.

The overwhelming majority will not care about your looks. But be prepared to be cut out of some physical activities because they don't think you're fit enough. Also be prepared for some shitty comments. It happens same as everywhere. But the nice thing about traveling is that you can leave all of that behind every couple of days and start fresh. It's much easier to forget and move on I find. 

I'm not making promises but be prepared to lose a lot of (? Some? No?) weight while traveling since you'll be doing lots of walking (while snacks are less accessible). Bring a belt. ;) 

Make sure to keep hydrated and do eat enough. Walking doesn't feel like exercise but you're still sweating a lot and burning decent amount of calories. Particularly when it's hot. The last thing you want is to pass out from dehydration.