We will definitely be seeing a headline about how a Florida man tasted this just to see and ends up in the hospital.

I swear, these parents just don't like their kids at all because wtf?!

Okayyyy! I see you with your knees out! Looking so proud & cute!

Put a reminder in your phone for the time you want to take them and then set multiple alarms for the reminder. Mine are typical 1 hr, 30m, 15m, 10m, 5m. I know it's excessive but I went a week without taking them because I'd close down the house and get snug in bed and dearly regretted it.

I'd like to stop overthinking things minor things. Like, I get analysis paralysis when thinking about sending an email but can make a straight forward and logical decision about how money should be spent for my family. Like wait, shouldn't that be reversed?! I've been actively working on this but it is a habit I'd like to break.

This is tough as I still watch both to this day. I'd have to go with The Munsters.

That's definitely an Alien Mouse πŸ‘ΎπŸŒŒ

As someone else said, organized fireworks great. Outside of that, I dislike them. I'm one of those people with 😎 childhood trauma πŸ€ͺ so I'm constantly in fight or fight mode. Combine this with not sleeping because fireworks are going off for 5 days in a row til 2am some days and here comes rage and paranoia AND taking at minimum to get back to being able to sleep normally. Yall can imagine how that would impact one as an employee, mom and spouse.

I loved Doyle's character so much that his death actually made me cry. To then learn he actually died a few years later, still makes me tear up.

Monotone / Monochrome outfits are what I'm into right now. Twists for my go to protective style.

I loved his "I'm a doctor" line and his utter devastation when he realized that likely every woman he'd been with was faking it.

I actually laughed out loud! Looks like a ghost.

The real question is, which parents do you think will gulit trip their kids to keep filming? I feel like even if some wanted to, they are the checks for their parents so if the show still exists, they would be pressured to stay on.

I dunno but I thought it was absolutely wild that they had her steal his DNA while unconscious as a plot line.

I definitely was waiting for some sort of gravy to be blasted. So disappointing!

Yay! And they look great! Twists are also my go to, low maintenance protective style.

Oooo you a liar! Why are you coming for VOY like that?! πŸ˜­πŸ˜‚

Even if it was just $60, I feel like they definitely played in your face with this.