How would people react to aliens in 2024?Discussion :table:

Imagine if it was revealed to the world today thay aliens exist, would people actually care much? I feel like people today would be less shocked than people 10+ years ago

Can I offer my way of dealing with it? To me, OCD isn't an illness but is an energy. It can amplify positive obsessions just as it can amplify negative obsessions. It will always be part of me of me and will never go away. I've stopped fighting it and have accepted it. I've found that I can't control the feelings of obsession but can control what I obsess about so I've directed my OCD towards more positive aspects of life. Obviously this is a subjective point of view and I'd understand if you completely disagree completely. But I hope an alternate perspective can help you in any way at all

Thanks, I hope you've found a solution that works for you. Everyone experiences OCD differently so everyone has their own solution. I suppose I just bottled it all up and all of the negative feelings released at once. Talking and releasing the negative feelings works a lot

You're right, meds can have big impact and are 100% the right option in most circumstances. All the best

Sorry, I'm just offering a point of view from my perspective as often an alternate point of view is useful when overcoming problems. But for me, OCD is what points my mind in one way or another. I can't control the feeling of obsession but I can control what I obsess about. Everyone experiences OCD differently obviously but I'm just offering a perspective which I hope can help someone else to look at OCD differently

Very sorry, I didn't mean it in a condescending or negative way. Everyone experiences OCD differently and different solutions work for different people. I was simply offering advice from my perspective but I suppose with OCD it's easy to get stuck inside your own mind

The best thing I've learnt is that OCD isn't an illness and can't be cured. It will always be a part of you. Stop fighting it and let go. Instead, OCD is an energy which you can use to amplify your negative or positive thoughts. You don't need medication, you just need to change your perspective. Use it to focus on positive things in your life to better yourself and the world around you

I grew up without siblings with just my mum. Often I would find myself alone and found fun by living inside my mind. As a result, I never feel lonely or bored and enjoy my own company, but I think this allowed OCD to take over. I've since learned that OCD isn't an illness, but an energy. You can allow it to obsess over negative, or positive thoughts. Use it to better yourself as well as those around you

Your OCD isn't defined by a diagnosis. It's defined by you. OCD is an energy, not an illness. At can become a positive force in your life, just as it can become a negative force. Find the strength to control it and use to it to better yourself, your life and obsess over constructive and positive thoughts

OCD is a consequence of an active mind. You are smart, thoughtful, but have allowed your thoughts to wander into the realms of negativity. Find the strength inside yourself to circumvent that energy into positive thoughts

OCD is a consequence of an over-avtive mind. You are smart, thoughtful, but have allowed your OCD to amplify your negative feelings. Find the strength to refocus that energy into positive thoughts. You are good, trying your best and are helping those around you

OCD isn't a problem but is an energy. You can allow it to amplify your positive or negative thoughts. Find the strength inside you to use to it better yourself, your life and those around you

OCD is a consequence of intelligence and misguidence. You are smart and thoughtful but your thoughts have been focused on negative things. Find the strength inside you to redirect those thoughts onto positive things

OCD is a consequence of misguided thoughts. You're smart and are thoughtful. Think of OCD not as a problem but as an energy. Redirect that energy to obsess over useful and positive thoughts to better yourself, your life and those around you


Remember, these feelings are all inside your mind and aren't real. OCD is a result of misguided thoughts and paranoia. You are good, everything is fine. Focus that energy onto positive thoughts

How to deal with an OCD attack?I need support - advice welcome

I thought I had conquered my OCD. I had gone years without having issues with it but recently something happened that made it all come crashing down. I can't stop stressing out. I can't stop my headaches. I can't stop the stress. I'm trapped in my mind. How do you guys deal with it?

Nokk should be made a 3 speedFeedback

Nokk is in such a bad state that Maverick is unironically a better sneaky operator than her (faster movement, less movement noise, better gun which is great with a suppressor, can enter quietly though barricades, hatches and walls using the blowtorch).

Sure, Nokk is invisible to cameras when using her abilty but most of the time this is useless. When entering the building at the start of the round, all defenders are usually alive and aren't checking cams.

They should at least make her a 3 speed so she can sneak around the map more easily.

Not adding a grief mode to Outbreak in Cold War was the biggest missed opportunity

And hard breach + impact emp isn't? At least combining recruit's smokes with warden would reward team play. The new recruit is literally just a one man army

Yeah that would suck but it's at least more interesting than what they gave us. Prox sensors could he useful on attack and imagine using nades on defence