Are we not going to talk about her chin, really? As a dude with no chin this chick got a double dose lol

I work as a nurse in the VA. It doesn’t matter which floor I work the the pay is the same. There are floor nurses making more than managers.

He just look like he realized his small edible might be stronger than he thought

Monkey in Space

At this point both parties are embarrassing corrupt. Rfk jr is our only hope.

Idk I do this with my spouse all the time. She’s cool with it and likes the kink.

My dude at 28 my wife and I had a combined bank account of $80. No joke I was scheduled to be deployed it got canceled last minute. Because I was getting deployed I dropped out of school and quit my job. Took on a ton of debt to buy a nice bedroom set, tv ect because I wanted to live comfortably for the month prior to my mobilization. I thought I would make bank in Afghanistan so the debt wasn’t a big deal. Needless to say I was completely fucked when they canceled my orders. My wife and I fell into steep cc debt while I was unemployed. By 34 I had a house and the job of my dreams. Shit gets better dude just keep grinding.

14 Jp’s. 18 year old kid drank bleach to see what it would do.

This past Saturday, kid went to sleep at a decent hour so my wife and I had a god roll. Been together 17 years. Idk now that I’m in my 40’s being single sounds both amazing and absolutely dreadful.

I’m a nurse in a fully legalized state. I smoke from time to time for migraines. Never at work nor the day before I have to work. If I work 4 shifts straight I guarantee I’ll have a splitting migraine my first day off to the point of not being able to function. I keep quick fix on hand daily just incase I get a drug test. To be honest I smoke so little it wouldn’t likely even be in my system. But it’s not worth losing my job over. I hate that it’s treated the way it is like we are fucking drug addicts or something. I could 100% get a medical card as I’m 100% disabled through the VA from an IED hence the Migraines. But I don’t want a paper trail that will be used against me. It would be real swell if the government that sent me to get blown up also gave a shit about my autonomy to legally take mj for those injuries.

Man I’ve been thinking of getting a beard transplant but no one post of them years later. Yours looks fantastic!

Idk I’m 42 and literally everything feels like a chore now. I hate it that I feel this way.

Puerto Vallarta ?Choosing a Surgeon

Has anyone had any experiences with elaen hair transplant center in Puerto Vallarta? They have multiple stars on their reviews but I haven’t heard anyone here mention them. I was looking at them because a trip there is about 2.5 hours vs Turkey which is like an entire day of traveling. I don’t have a lot of time to take off work so traveling time is important.

The jelly fish video looks like a kid’s birthday balloon