I'll be real with you. I think immigration is amazing but the thought of muslim voters even making up 30% of a countries voting population is terrifying once you take a glance at the middle east. There's not a single one of those countries (not even turkey) which I'd say is doing well in the human rights department.

Yeah, and the turnout this time was horrendously low.

Labours votes are literally the exact same as they were in the last election. The only reason they did so well was because a lot of the tory voters just decided not to vote or vote for reform instead.

You know nothing about UK politics if you think this election result was 'fantastic'

What we threw out was a moderate right party. The current government is on paper a centre left party but most people pretty much agree that they're a centrist party at this point. The far right had a huge surge (reform) this election while the far left also had a huge boost. This is quite literally the worst result possible. The labour party will fall apart and what'll be left is a far left (LibDems/Green alliance) and far right party (Reform). Both are terrible.

I'm generally more right leaning (centre right though) but the idea of the EP getting into power was terrifying. Some of comments about things like getting rid of legal migration were a bit odd.

Nah, don't really know who he is.

I've seen like 2 or 3 of his shorts.

Personally I would as a guy but no guy should feel obligated to do it (only if they want to)

Not in our lifespan but could definitely happen in the future.

You see small parts of it right now where the muslim vote has put many independent mps into parliament whose sole pledge was supporting gaza.

I've spent like £350 on this 1 p2w game, it's not healthy.

The Irish people fought but the country didn't.

I have nothing against the Irish people, it's their government that I have a problem with.

yeah I know I was the one he called spiritually white lmao

I was just saying he's wrong (I agree with you, that's probably what he meant)

Yeah I live in the UK but I go to india pretty often. What you see on the internet is the worst of it.

it's just lighthearted making fun of countries that are almost entirely deserts. Racism has nothign to do with anything here.

And even if I was a racist what kind of racist makes fun of africa for being underpopulated. The usual approach would be to make fun of the large families and large amount of children per woman.

How I feel being on a sub that doesn’t believe in girls as a government drone*

Paris rises from the ocean and forms a new country that takes overs stockholm