Eveybody in this show has access to Insitute teleportation technology

and the fact it can't last, 40 days in most worlds wouldn't be that long a war but 40 days in THIS wasteland, they can barely fight. Probably find they had barely any real engagements and starting running out of resources in the first week.

A lot of these jokes are in serious need of context :P

What I love is that it's only really Fallout 4 and a bit of 76 I'm harsh on.

Fallout 3 Bethesda did try and make a game that felt like Fallout... it wasn't done very well but they tried.

76 actually has a setting that very much fitted the series, the problem is all the zany events and over time it's just degraded. BUT bring set only 20 years after the bombs the 'Americaness' of the people make sense.

Oh, she isn't a good person but I don't think her actual wants aren't 1:1 with Homelander.

15 years working in some form of customer service.

From retail, hospitality, tourism, telecommunications, education etc.

I just know more than you about how entitled assholes are like.

"a recipe for calmer customers" jesus, I think the people for this idea have never worked in customer service and it fucking shows

Most of the time you're having trouble with getting service it's due to them being busy, all this does is make customers go "WHY DID YOU TAKE 5 MINUTES!!! DIDN'T YOU SEE THE LIGHT!!!??"

Turn every customer into more of an entitled asshole who thinks because they hit the 'attention' button that every waiter should have the time to drop everything and help them.

Sage is doing what she needs to do in order to survive. I think ultimately she knows that there was no, saying no to Homelander when he arrived at her apartment.

Spellcasters first if possible, since they often cause the most issues with your plans. snipe at ranged if I can and then after some crowd controlling, clean up the melee fighters. Melee fighters are only an issue if they're overwhelming in number and can reach you.

Because what? I think Fallout 4 is overrated? Such a weird point to make since literally the only game I really have an issue with is Fallout 4.

I even chuck Fallout 76 more slack in terms of story and settings.

People go "No! she's just a dry character!"

No, and I say that with confidence because they're clearly moments where she's trying to act emotional and it falls absolutely flat.

No, there is no problem with making Anakin a child and I don't see how a Teenager would do better with the dialogue. Considering we have examples of really good actors (Natalie Portman) struggling with delivery at times.

Also him being a kind, sweet and innocent child is mean it be part of the tragedy of his downfall

Edward is an idiot, it actually doesn't make sense which is why his Legion is doomed to fall apart.

Even in this world Automation has it's limits, you come across terminals of these factories needing humans on some level. Especially for maintaining these robots. Securitrons aren't any more advanced than most other Robots in the wasteland also.

A Mr.Handy can do more just with less firepower and even then you come across maintenance sheds, staffed by humans to maintain and repair them.

Why do you need fusion cores? it makes sense for a closed environment like with a Vault but out in the wasteland the sources of power people have access too comes in all shapes in sizes. You have settlements using Nuclear, Coal, Hydro and Solar energy. None of them having the problem of not having enough power.

Shadey Sands had a population of what? 30,000? You don't need the HUGE power reactors that you have today to power that settlements. Settlements of that size can be powered by a few wind/solar farms. The main issue the wasteland has always had is fresh water, not power generation. Since everybody got blown up, there isn't an energy problem anymore.

In fact the power issue is so redundant in the show, that Shadey Sands was a thriving, economic, powerhouse of the wasteland without a special power technology to supply it. Even the show makes cold fusion redundant by showing you a perfectly functioning and thriving city without it.

Unless it magically protects against nukes, it's a moot point.

Fallout 4 in my mind just follows the aesthetics of Fallout, but the is the game the least like the others. I would say even Fallout 76 because it's only based 20 years after the Great War makes far more sence in terms of setting and people still giving a shit about the United States.

Fallout 76 has the darkest premise of any Fallout game but like with Fallout 4 lean on the humour WAY too heavily and it undermines the settings.

Living amongst a whole bunch of historical monuments on it's own doesn't enforce a cultural identity. People do that all the time even today and it means very little.

Culture isn't a bunch of pretty and old statues

He was always an asshole, he just had the production budget to hide it

That I can agree with, I think Mark Hamil makes a good point when in defence of Jake playing Anakin that it's hard to act when given dialogue like that.

Not bad dialogue, but when given dialogue which just isn't natural to say it can make it REALLY hard to say it convincingly.

With Episode III it's like "Now Hayden and Naomi, you're in your space apartment and here is like.... 5 solid minutes of a script that written like it's come out of Romeo & Juliet... now, MAKE IT NATURAL!"

I think the prequels get shat on too harshly for being kid movies. I think as a kid, I actually really liked the prequels and in hindsignt can understand that a lot of the shit the older fanbase disliked about the prequels is simply them pissed that the movies didn't grow with them.

You say it's inconsistant to the lore but so was the original trilogy... which was an impressive feat.

Under developed? I don't think so, I think that people just didn't get the characters that George Lucas had written and wished they were written differently. Especially true with Anakin, nothing wrong with Anakins character... he just wasn't the character people wanted and I imagine for a lot of angry white-boys, he hit close to home.

Bad dialog, in hindsight I think the dialogue is fine when you realize that Lucas ultimately was trying to write movies that reminded people of. I found the dialogue in Episode 2 and 3 weird but it's not bad.... just strange that Lucas wanted a Shakespearean romance in the middle of his space-fantasy movie.

I do miss the fight scenes though, I think when it comes to force-users... the prequels make the most sense of the shit you'd have to do in order to fight somebody with super-reflexes and kinda-psychic.

The NCR know that with the death of Caesar, the Legion isn't going to break apart immediately. They'll break up into huge warlords and he a HUGE pain in the ass for the NCR. Sure no threat of invasion, but you'll be constantly attacked by a bunch of organised Tribals for possibly decades.

Yeah the Legion is fucked, doesn't stop them being a threat.

I think she was loyal to Vought until she had to directly deal with Homelander.

The actress playing Cuddy did quit without much warning, I imagine they had to completely rethink the last season. The first part of that season screams "We're figuring out what to do here"

I personally don't think they're a very good actress, in what i've seen them in (I admit, not much) they pretty much plays the same character and it's really just... themselves but with a different costume.

Them being awkward fine, but they have no emotional range at all. The character being happy and the character being sad is exactly the same experience. Kind of clashes with honestly... the far surperior actors they work alongside with.

Yeah, like we're still basing these debates off what are out-dated rules for the American political system. Trump being mentally deranged doesn't even matter, he just needs to say the right words in the somewhat right order.