It’s not like they were winning splits up until now. Yeah they might drop to 4th or so instead of 2nd, but when ur goal is actually winning that doesn’t make a difference.

Rather go 4th for a year but develope to reach 1st the next year than continue to go 2nd without the chance to obtain 1st.

TLDR: Winning is the goal, everything below is losing, so go ahead and rebuild/develope talent

Trinity into Manamune is mainly played in mid lane, cause there you want corki to be good at early/mid game and for that tri/manamune offers the most.

In bot you want corki closer to a traditional adc, so crit into IE for the better scaling, so ER is prefered. But you can also go Tri/Manamune bot, both are fine, but mid needs the stronger 2 item spike to contest with other mids

True thank you, I always forget the ASU acronym haha

I believe the rumored Arcane champ to be changed is just supposed to get a VGU, like Ahri or Lee Sin recently but I could be wrong

Kled, and only a minor one at that but change his W to be a cast ability instead of a passive. Would give him a lot more oppertunities to take good fights and not losing W cause you had to farm canon into getting full engaged by enemy laner and losing the trade due to missing an ability.

Obviously W would need to be nerfed dmg wise, otherwise it would be busted.

Rogue and TH doing their part to ensure KC 10th place

Corki, most people underestimate how strong his all in is

I think she will be in the same place as like Hwei, mainly mid but also super viable bot just with a small pick rate

Taliyah. Just overall good matchups and even at worst

I hate that argument. The same one used for Garen before he was played in pro.

No, when you have a bad team comp into Nasus, Garen etc. they just outscale you and you do jack shit, yes if you have range and cc Nasus isn’t a problem. But go ahead and play against him solo in a sidelane when you don‘t have that

Try understanding what I say, nobody cares about ghosting in general but that it was done by another streamer in a streaming tournament.

Your original comment reduced the whole thing to the stream sniping not to Natt behaving like a pathetic asshole, which is the issue I wanted to highlight. Nobody would have posted anything if it were normal ghosting, which is why your „advice“ to just put a delay was unhelpful and kinda of a „you don’t say“ comment

Argurin is just cringe tbh. Already disliked his whiny stream and now this, I really hope he gets stream sniped in any upcoming matches just to see him mald and show his true colors.

The issue is that they weren‘t sniped by some random viewer but by the opposing team, consisting of streamers aswell. That is just a bastard move to pull, no matter the impact it had.

Haven‘t played the game in a while bud? Cause right now Rek‘sai is exactly what she‘s supposed to be; a dive style bruiser in the jungle, with a healthy wr.

The top tank build is just a bonus and not at all her most played role.

And do you really think that bringing back her old ult would make her more popular with low elo? Hell nah, that is so much more niche and hard to use, only high elo / pros will use it correctly and efficiently. Yeah a lot changed since 2015 but basics like a global ult being super strong in coordinated play is and will always be super strong

But how would relegation work with the franchising system? If for example FlyQuest drops down to Tier 2, what happens with their revenue shares which they paid a franchising fee to be a part of. And the new team coming up through promotion, do they just not get that?

Me as an owner would be quit pissed if I paid millions for a spot in the highest league and then get relegated to tier 2 (don't get me wrong, the general concept of relegation is amazing, but the caviat of the huge price tag on the franchising partners is a bit weird)

Is the LEC and LCK also reduced to 8 teams? Couldn't really make that out from the article, but I sure hope they do. Would consolidate the skilled players in 8 teams and make for better regional competition.

Always remember that, if Riot would bring back an old kit, it would always be slightly different. So exactly the points you mentioned would be adressed.

It's never a carbon copy, just look at the Corki rework, sure it's very similiar to the original kit, but still has some key elements changed/improved

But that would be the great thing about bringing this old version back, you know the flaws and can iron them out and improve on previous concepts. Just look at the Corki rework.

So if they did it now the tether would deal dmg on cast, not on touching the beam.

I think with he means ADC with bot, not both roles

Rewatched the clip, would have been better to just state the facts regarding his performance and not compare it. Good point from you

Sure, guess you could leave it at the last two splits if the only intention was to compare, but it was also partly to show the poor results Upset had for some time now.

But you could also include Supa‘s last year, which was also really good, making EUmasters finals

To compare their most recent performance, how was Supa doing this year and how was Upset doing this year

Maybe they should show them some footage of SK the last splits. Exakick wanted to play with Doss aswell and welp…

Do we really need to sugarcoat everything to protect Upset‘s ego? Vedi simply stated facts and ofc it was harsh, because there was nothing good about it.

Upset did finish 10th three times in a row and that doesn‘t change. Everybody know it and suggesting that Vedi mentioning it is what is career threatening is a fcking joke.

And we don’t have to start on Targamas. He gets negative comments when he plays bad, sometimes it just has to be said and today there were more than enough examples. And if you rewatch 2022 vods, he was being praised when he performs good and even in Winter this year the critique wasn‘t as harsh but that rightfully changed as he continued to underperform and does the same mistakes over and over.

TLDR: It’s not people highlighting ur bad plays that lowers your career chances, it’s the bad plays. And when you perform bad (especially for this long) you better bite the bullet and take the harsh criticism.